#13 Fireflies

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~M/n Dream + POV~

No.... please stop.....
....."MOM!" I screamed as dad slowly sliced open her neck. He had a menacing smile spread across his face as he got up and walked towards me holding the knife firmly in his grip. I scream and cried for my mother as I slowly backed up away from him. "You left me M/n... now it's time for you punishment~" he cooed. (still don't know if I'm spelling that right)

"No.... PLEASE NO!!"

                                                        ~End of dream~

        I woke up whimpering and crying in the arms of my mate. "M/n! Are you okay?!" He asked as a look of concern was obvious on his face. "Sorry.... I just had a nightmare..." I said as I whipped away the streams of tears from my face. He suddenly embraced me into a tight hug taking me by surprise. "A-Ame?" "Shhhh... it's okay..." he whispered into my ear in a low,and calming tone.

          My breathing was heavy as I rapped my arms around him and held onto his shirt tightly as tears continued to fall. After a while I stopped crying and my breathing slowed. I was finally calm. "All better?" He questioned with a small smile. I nodded, and he picked me on the lips for a brief moment. The aroma of breakfast hit our noses as we practically drooled. "Waffles!" I yelled jumping up and running into the kitchen as Ame followed.

     "Hey M/n, and Ame," Yuki said while the waffles muffled her voice. "Hey Yuki," I replied walking over to the table. I sat down and Hana placed a plate of waffles I front of me and one beside me for when Ame sits down. "Thank you!" I said with stars in my eyes as I stared at the glorious sight I front of me. "You're welcome," she giggled and walked to her own seat for her to eat as well. I wolfed down my food and finished before anyone, even Yuki. They all stared at me with wide eyes. "How did you finish before me!" Yuki gawked as I just shrugged and held my stomach.

      "I'm full.." I groaned. They continued to eat, and I kicked my legs in boredom. One they FINALLY finished I was already up and ready to go somewhere. "Can we go into the woods?" I asked, jumping excitedly. Ame visibility tended and shook his head no, "Why?!" I whined with puppy eyes, "because of what happened last time!" He growled lowly so I wouldn't fight back, but I still did because it's me. "I'll make sure to stay close to you! I promise!" I protested while giving him the biggest puppy eyes I could muster. He kept a straight face and shook his head once again no.

"P-pwetty pwease..?" I begged in a baby voice while getting on my knees and holding my hands together. He sighed said," fine... but oh have to stay near me at all times!" I shook my head yes immediately. I jump up and glomp him tightly whispering things like 'thanks you, thank you, thank you!' And 'I love you babe!' ( for the first time ever you called him babe) I ran to the door and jumped outside while turning into a wolf midair. Ame immediately followed after me. I ran straight behind the bushes, and decided to jump into a tree to scare him. He jumped out and I internally giggle. He looked around, and once he didn't see me he panicked and sniffed the air. Once he got my scent he looked up with an angry expression. I jumped down, and my ears went back in an I'm Sorry way. He growled lowly and gently nipped my ear as to tell me to not do it again. We stayed out until night fell. All the nocturnal animals came out as the diurnal animals left to sleep. I walked into a field with flowers spread out everywhere, and a lake in the middle.

 I walked into a field with flowers spread out everywhere, and a lake in the middle

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The stars shinned down on the lake as it glistened. I slowly walked into the field without looking away from the mesmerizing sight before me. As I stepped many lightning bugs flew out above me. "Wow..." I breathed out. Stars reflected in my eyes as I stared in awe. I was taken out of my gaze when I felt a tingling feeling on my nose and look cross eyed to see a firefly sitting there and walking around. I leaned my head back with my ears down not sure of what to do. If I were human right now I would have a double chin. Ame laughed at me when he saw my scenario. He walked over and blew lightly on my snout causing the firefly to fly off my nose as I sigh in relief. "you're adorable" he mumbled just low enough for me to hear. "hmm.......?" I tilted my head sending him a confused expression. "nothing!" he replied quickly with a smile. I shrugged it off,and nuzzled my head under his.

A small rustle caught my attention as my head whipped towards the noise. Ame must have heard it too since he immediately stood in front of me in a protective manner with a low threatening crawl. "Hey, hey! It's just me!" Yuki yelled jumping out of the bush, "what were you doing in a bush?" I questioned with a small glare. "nothing...." she replied with a guilty expression printed on her features. Ame soon relaxed, turned around, nudged me, and we continued to walk away ignoring the cries from Yuki about wanting to join us. I heard a quiet 'hmph' and footsteps getting quieter as they disappeared. I giggled silently to myself at his childish behavior. His ear twitched as he turned his head towards me with a soft smile, "what?" he questioned with a chuckle. "nothing!" I smiled and continued walking. 

I was enjoying myself until I freaked out, why? A FREAKING BUG FLEW INTO MY  EAR!!! I jumped and ran all over the place as my ear twitched uncontrollably. "what?!?" Ame screeched. "HELP ME!!! SOMETHING FLEW INTO MY EAR!!" I  wailed.  Instead of helping me like a good boyfriend Ame fell to the ground laughing. '"It's not funny!" He continued to laugh until it finally came out. "You butt! it hurt and you just laughed the whole time!" I pouted angrily, and turned my head away from him.  The laughing came to a stop as he got up ,and walked over to me with a 'I'm sorry' expression. I gave him a toothy smile, and connected our snouts in a kissing way. "I can't stay mad at you.... but it is getting late so let's get going," he nodded, got in front of me, and continued walking. I couldn't help but smile  childish behavior with the last thought of the night being ............ "This big goofball is all mine"

   Hope you guys enjoyed and I'm SOOOOOOOO sorry for not updating a lot (as usual)

also HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! YAS IT IS FINALLY 2018!!! Please leave a like and comment (me sounding like a youtuber)  and check out my new book that I'm trying to write! Its call :Natsu Dragneel x Prince Dragon Slayer OC! its a story about my OC named cole and his brother Avaro who one day run away and end up living with two twin sister dragons. If you want to know more just read I plz! also......THANK YOU ALL FOR 1.9 THOUSAND READS! I never thought I could even get one! For now BAI MY  WOLFIES 

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