Chapter #15? I think.. (Final)

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This picture at the top is Natsu and Lucy from FairyTail because I didn't feel like getting ANOTHER Ame one. Also this is the final chapter if you want me to do a sequel (Auto corrected to sexual ;-; ) to this then comment below and I am also taking requests on different stories you might want me to do! Welp lets get onto the story.

I sighed as I handed Yuki a 20 dollar bill. (Idk if that's what they use but oh well) She giggled and tucked it into her pocket before she ran over to the breakfast table to eat. I soon joined and ate my pancakes with delight. Ame walked into the room with a exhausted expression and bedhead that has to be a world record. I quickly covered my mouth with both of my hands to keep my laughter in. He glanced at me before raising a brow and sitting down. "D-did you have a n-nice nap..?" I questioned with my voice cracking from holding in my laughter. "What do you mean?" He question with his mouth full of food. Hana turned around from the sink. As soon as she saw Ame she gasped in surprise as me and Yuki fell out of our chairs and onto the ground in a fit of laughter. "What...?" He asked with a bit of worry. "Y-your hair!!" I wheezed trying to catch my breath.

He tilted his head and walked to the bathroom. We all froze and stared at the door before a scream emitted from it. We once again laughed while holding our stomachs. Ame came back out with a brush and half brushed hair. After a while we all calmed down from our laughter. Everyone finished their food so we all decided to go outside and play a few games. We were going to race but Hana couldn't turn into a wolf so I decided to help her by sneaking up behind her and lifting her up with my neck. She gasped in surprise and then glanced down at me with a smile. "Thank you (M/N)!" I nodded and walked over to the starting line or well beside Ame and Yuki. We have to run around the house three times before we are finished. They gave me a 30 second head start because I have Hana on my back. Hana yelled 'GO!!' and I took off. Not long after Yuki and Ame started to catch up. I started to sprint just so I could at least finish the first lap before them. I glanced back at them for a moment and only saw Yuki, 'What..?' "Cole Ame passed us!" Hana yelled and my head shot forward to see that she was indeed right, He was a few feet in front of us. I had my jaw wide open and eyes wide "When did he pass us?!?!" I ran faster than I thought I could and I was finally beside him. I began to pant from my energy extinguishing but continued to run, I didn't want to let Hana down. I used all of my strength to pass him and run pass the corner of the house. We are on our last lap and I'm not giving up just yet. I ran so fast it was almost as if I was jumping long distances in stead. I was determined to win. I could see the finish line and right before I could win I saw Yuki and Ame start to catch up. 'No no NO NOOOOOOO' I jumped using all my force to keep me and Hana in the air and over the finish line. 'YESSS!!' I landed on the ground and not even a minute after Yuki slammed into me causing me to go flying with her towards the ground. Luckily for Hana she fell off of me before we hit the ground otherwise she would have been crushed. Yuki was on top of me with a smile. We stared at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. She got off of me as Ame gave her a death glare that looked to be saying 'You better get off of him or you'll die' Everyone besides Hana of course was tired. We all caught our breath and then began to play even more. First it was hide and seek and now tag. I was it. Dimmit I cant even see anyone from my current location. My gaze shifted around the house and a bit into the forest before I decided to climb a tree, I know its not natural but fuck being natural. Once up I was able to see almost everything. I scanned the horizon before I saw a tail that I knew all to well. I jumped off the branch I was perched on and took of towards that direction while trying to be quiet. His tail moved quickly as I was about to tag it. I began to chase him all over the yard and after a while it paid off. I caught him! We continued playing for a while as the sky darkened. We went inside and I immediately went straight to our shared bed. I collapsed on out blankets and rolled onto my side. Soon after I felt the bed move as someone who I'm guessing is Ame crawled in. I glanced over and confirmed that my theory was true, It was Ame. He smiled while I was staring at him before I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I gave a content sigh while going to lay my head back down on the pillow.

"Good night, (M/n)" Ame whispered into my ear.

"Good night.." I whispered back lazily.

Our breathing began to slow as we both drifted off to sleep.

'I am so lucky to have Ame by my side, forever and on.'

PLease read!!!!! AND COMMENT

You guys can probably tell that I gave up on this chapter and so it is complete shit. I have no more inspiration and so I decided that I'm done writing this book. I honestly didn't know it would be this hard to write a chapter for you guys. I thought I could get atleast 25 but NOPE those plans are gone. So this is the last chapter if you want me to make a sequel then just comment saying something like "HEY RETARD WE WANT A SEQUEL!" And who know I might see it and make one. I am currently making a book of lemons although some chapters may just be cuddling. I'm also doing a Natsu x Male Dragon Prince OC thingy and finally I think I'm going to start making a Ticci Toby x Demon Male Reader. ALSO IF YOU WANT ME TO MAKE A BOOK LIKE SOMETHING X MALE READER ILL HAPPILY DO THAT!! Examples- someone from fairy tail,Blue exorcist, Yuri on Ice, OHSHC, attack on Titan, or creepy pastas, and so on and if you want you or the other character to be special like a demon, wolf, fox, neko or whatever just say it. Heck ill even make you a dog who later turns into a human with dog ears and a tail IDK. ANND THATS ABOUT IT ( Also you could choose two characters x yourself if ya want ) WELPPP BYEEEE MY LOVELY WOLFIES!!

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