I Promise

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Hoseok wasn't quite sure what crossed his mind when he leaned forward, but all he wanted was to swallow some of Jimin's pain. It was like he was stealing the air from Jimin's lungs, like it was the only air he ever wanted to breathe again. It was desperate and bittersweet, nothing short of passionate but also careful, like Hoseok was scared Jimin would push him away for good. Although it felt like an eternity, Hoseok pulled away before Jimin could react, heartbeat thrumming in his ears. He looked away, running a hand through his hair.

"God, I'm sorry Jimin-" Hoseok was surprised beyond belief when Jimin clutched his shirt tightly, pressing his trembling lips back onto Hoseok's, desperate, urgent. Like he needed confirmation that Hoseok was with him. Like he was scared Hoseok would disappear. He could feel Jimin crying again.

"Don't leave." Jimin whispered against the older's lips, taking in a shuddering breath. "You can't leave after that." A part of Jimin knew he was being selfish, but he really didn't think he could recover if Hoseok left. So Hoseok didn't. He wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist and held him tightly, vowing silently.

'I promise, I'll make you happy.'


Taehyung watched Jungkook's sleeping figure with furrowed brows. He'd seemed somewhat angry almost all day, making Taehyung feel like he had to be on edge to match his lover's moodiness. He sighed, plopping his face onto the pillow. He and Jungkook had gone on several dates before. What was different about today? Well, rather yesterday, to be exact. Taehyung didn't have the answer. Jungkook muttered something in his sleep, drawing the older's attention.

"...hyung..." Taehyung frowned at the word and turned onto his side to observe the younger. Jungkook's face was scrunched up, sweat running down the side of his face, mouth forming inaudible words again. His whole body was tense. The older reached over to stroke his hair. Jungkook's eyes snapped open, startling Taehyung.

"Woah there." The older started, slightly nervous. "That eager to see me, baby?" Taehyung winked playfully, and for a split second, confusion crossed Jungkook's face, making Taehyung's heart stop in fear. Then he let out a sleepy smile, albeit half-hearted.

"And what if I felt that way?" Jungkook whispered slyly, reaching his arms and curling them around the older. Taehyung chuckled and slapped his arm before returning the embrace.

"How're you feeling?" Jungkook debates between lying and telling the truth, so he decides on the "in between" answer.

"I'm doing okay. Could be better." He replied, shrugging. Before Taehyung could ask, Jungkook pecked him on the forehead. "What time is it by the way?"

"6 AM. You're awake early, babe." Jungkook hummed in satisfaction as Taehyung ran his fingers through the younger's hair again. "Do you have to go home to change?" Jungkook nodded his head but didn't really bother moving except to pull Taehyung closer to him.

"I don't wanna though." He said like a little kid, earning a tut of disapproval from his boyfriend.

"But you have to." Jungkook could hear the frown on the older's face and sighed.

"I know." He paused. "...30 more minutes?" Taehyung rolled his eyes, pushing all other thoughts to the back of his mind.

"Fine. As long as you can make sure you get to work on time, Kooks."


Taehyung blindly reached for the other side of the bed, searching for Jungkook. Feeling emptiness instead of warmth, he groggily sat up and opened his eyes only to find something light yellow obscuring his vision. Slightly annoyed but amused at the same time, Taehyung removed the post-it from his forehead to read what was actually written on it.

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