Hot and Heavy

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I couldn't breathe.

Silent tears ran down my cheeks.

My lungs burned at the lack of oxygen.

I was laughing so loud, I was surprised the other employees hadn't burst into the office to see if a hyena hadn't sneak its way in. Of course they knew never to enter here unless authorized but still...

I doubled over and hung unto the desk before me. My body shook violently as tears ran down my face. I- I marry him? He must be kidding! I, Lillian Linton, proud feminist and marriage allergic, succumbing to the proposal of a miserly chauvinist such a Mr. Ambrose.


I didn't know he could be such a comedian. I clapped my hands and tried to wipe the tears running down my cheeks. Genius! He was an absolute genius! Seems like this family reunion has put him in such a great mood.

I wheezed, panted and giggled as I tried to regain my composure. I looked at him while wiping my upcoming tears and smiled brightly. 'Oh sir, I didn't know you had this talent. Now tell me, what does she want?'

Mr. Ambrose eyes looked at me in such a way my skin prickled, sensing danger. My hairs stood on end while I frowned. If I didn't know better I would've have thought he wanted to kill me right here, right now.

'Mr. Ambrose, Sir?"

Mr. Ambrose walked over to me, his steps thundered in the room as if each step broke shards of ice his demeanor had frozen.

'I made a question Mr. Linton, I expect an answer.'

If I didn't know him better I would've thought he had just growled. I gulped but maintained my features from betraying the menacing vibe I was sensing. I stood my ground and ignored the distance that was closing between us.

'What was the question?'

"Mr. Linton, I'm demanded to be married at the time of my arrival. I'm terribly afraid you are the only adequate option.'

I stared at him dumbfounded. He was serious. Mr. Rikkard Ambrose was completely serious about marrying me. I cocked my head to the side and assessed him. My eyes widened and soften as I realized what was going on.

I walked over to him and placed a hand on his forehead.

'You should've taken a few days off if you were ill. I'm sure I could handle your empire for awhile.'

My grin must have been too wide because next thing I know my hand is freezing cold. I removed it in a second feeling like frostbite would get me soon. I glanced at him and saw his eyes burning holes in my forehead.

'I'm sorry to tell you this Mr. Ambrose but I'm afraid my disguise prevents us from engaging in such activity.'

'I'm not asking you as Mr. Linton. I'm asking you Lillian.'

My eyes widened and my stomach dropped when I heard my name roll out of his tongue in such a smooth and swift manner. My body was instinctively drawn to the source, like smooth chocolate ganache dripping into ripped strawberries.

Snap out of it Lilly!

But you know you want it.

I mentally cursed the voice in my head and cleared my throat. Mr. Ambrose was surely losing his mind if that dreadful m word-and not mother- came out of his mouth with such if he really meant it.

No, he must surely be going mad. How could be expect me to marry him? I could already see my face plastered against the papers as Mrs. Ambrose. Oh, I could already see Patsy fainting at the death of one of the main supporters of the feminist movement.

Flora and Eve would cry- because I didn't invite them to the wedding- but they would cry. And poor Ella... Poor, innocent Ella would be so heartbroken- because I didn't tell her of my mistery husband- but she would be utterly heartbroken nonetheless.

The only one that would be remotely happy would be my aunt and uncle. My aunt would beam at the opportunity of milking my marriage for the sake of my other sisters and her status. And my uncle, he would be thrilled he didn't have another mouth to feed.

Oh, the perks of a wealthy marriage...

But what about me? I have never considered the option of marrying someone, much less someone like Mr. Rikkard Ambrose, miser extraordinaire and cold block of stone.

True, he was a brilliant businessman, a visionaire, and had an incredible body and face to accompany it. His mind was fascinating and the knowledge and power he emanated was quite enchanting if I allowed myself to admit.

I could allow myself to admit that I loved his cold eyes. I could also admit that I relish to be touched like the way he touched me in the jungle. I could certainly admit-


'Mr. Ambrose, Sir, I-'

'Articulate Lillian.'

I crossed my arms across my chest and looked at him intently. 'Are you aware of what you're asking? Do you understand the repercussions of your proposal?'

Was he aware of everything it entitled? This was a decision that would make an absolutely ruckus around the world. Around my world! The only world that really mattered that is.

'I'm a savvy businessman Lillian. I do not make a proposal without considering the overall profit. If the cost doesn't overcome the proceeds then I would certainly do it. Do you doubt my skills?'

Shaking my head repeatedly, I soon erased any sign of doubt regarding that. Beside his overly unwillingness to spend money, even when it was dearly needed, Mr. Rikkard Ambrose was someone who could lead the devil in bankruptcy.

He was a menace to everyone's health and sanity. Sometimes I wondered if the hot and heavy climate from the jungle caused some undetectable damage to his brain. Even if he was going mad, I knew it would be completely foolish to pretend he was reckless.

The man didn't even breathe in uneven breaths.

'Of course not Sir however-'

'Then it is settled. We will marry.'

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