I'm Here To Stay

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Chapter 21
(That night )
Rachel's pov:
"I don't understand what happened to him ? Why is he so angry ? God this is all my fault Kurt." I said

"Don't say that Rachel, he's angry at his situation not you." Blaine said

"I feel like an awful person." I cried .

"Rachel would you stop acting like a cry baby for one second and go and talk some sense into Finn?" Quinn said

"What ?" I said to her shocked .

"You and Finn haven't seen each other for five years ! Of course he's upset and you are too. You're both broken and a mess and right now you both need one another to get through it . So buck the fuck up and go talk to him . Or he will die and then what? He's giving up Rach and he needs you to kick his ass into believing in himself again." She told me .

I looked at her and said,

"Thanks Quinn." And I marched into Finns room and shut the door .

"I thought you left ." He said rudely .

"I'm not leaving ! You need my help Finn, whether you like it or not you do so stop acting like this and let me help you because I will be damned if you die before I get to help you first. So hate me all you want but tomorrow morning I'm taking you home and to physical Therapy and we are going to help you together whether we're divorced or not! Because I'm here to stay!" I said and left .

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