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"I neverth realith how harthd thith would be if I really had thith tongue." Jake said, trying his best to contain his lolling tongue.

Everyone burst into laughter, despite their situation. Haze grinned, before looking up at the credit signs.

"Phoenix...this is your map isn't it? You don't happen to know how we got here do you?"

Phoe turned to him, sighing.

"No I don't really. I just woke up with a beak and then I fell. I could have sworn I was in my house when I fell asleep, but--"

He stopped as the familiar ear-splitting and headphone-destroying scream filled the air. An enderman with purple antennae on his head belly-flopped on the water, before faceplanting on the ground. He groaned, rolling over on to his back.

Keke raced over to help him, and Star looked even more shocked, which was difficult to imagine possible. Sitting up, MCA started to laugh.

"Woa, I didn't think my dreams could get this real! Man, you guys all seem so realistic though!" He grinned wide, taking Keke's paw and standing.
"Maybe we could even play murder mystery!"

He turned to the randomizer section, walking in before anyone could tell him otherwise.

Slamming a fist down on the button, he stood there for a moment, confused as to why nothing came out. It was then that the walls shifted, a chest being shoved out near each landing spot. The eight all turned to their labeled chests, confusedly opening them.

Phoenix reached into the box, feeling something curved and wooden. Pulling it out, he found himself holding a huge wooden bow, the quiver full of arrows visible as well. Lifting it up and strapping it on, he slid the bow over him as he spotted the sword. Wait... a sword?

Lifting it from the box, Phoenix twisted it around in the air for a moment. Why on earth did they need weapons like this?

Jake lifted up his sword right beside Haze, and turned to face him.

"En-garde!" He shouted, and engaged Haze's sword in battle. Laughing, the two began to fight, but when the cat yanked his sword back, Jake made a final attack.

Instead of bopping him on the nose, the metal sliced his muzzle open, the cat letting out a cry. Instantly, Jake dropped the sword, racing over to his bleeding friend.

"Oh god oh God Haze I didn't know I-"

"Don't worry about me Jake." The cat held his nose tightly, trying to stop the bleeding. "I... I'll be fine."

"Guys..." Big-B was holding a book in front of him, open to the first page. "This isn't good."

Star realized immediately what he meant, barely glancing at her book before slamming it shut and tossing it back into the chest. Phoenix's eyes grew wide as he realized what this meant.

This... this really is a murder mystery! One of us is a killer, a real killer!

Reaching in and pulling out his book, Phoenix read the single word written on the first page. He wasn't sure if this was a good thing or not. Probably not.

For once, he was happy not to be killing his friends...

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