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No, this wasn't happening...

This couldn't be right...

But how do I fight back?

Maybe if he could just figure out how he did it. Haze wracked his brain for an answer, trying to remember. He thought about how he had struggled and ended up here before, and then..

I think I know how

He remembered, as he had first lifted his sword above Phoe what he had felt. That small bit of resistance. If he could just find that again, he could take control once more.

It was somewhere out there, tugging in the back of his mind. If only he could grasp it, and he strained to get to it again.

He reached out, trying to find it. Nothing felt solid, until he could feel it.

He grabbed onto it, pulling hard in an attempt to grasp the end. He could feel power, as he tugged it seemed to be easier, as if the weight of control was no longer pressing on his shoulders. He kept pulling, but now he could feel someone else pulling back.

"What are you trying to do?!"

The voice of his captor, their REAL voice, not a mimic of his own. He could do this, he could take back control!

He kept pulling, struggling to take it back, but it refused to budge. He tugged hard, and then it stopped, as if something had severed his grip.

There was nothing there, and instead, he was back again on that platform. He looked up, only to be staring at himself once more.

"We're so close... So close to having done it, but you won't quit! I've had ENOUGH OF YOU TRYING TO FIGHT ME!"

"I won't ever stop trying."

He said through gritted teeth.

"Why you!"

Haze watched as his captor marched across the room, straight towards him. They looked furious, their voice having returned to a mimic of his. Haze braced himself, glaring straight at him.

"I'm not going to back-"

He was caught off guard as his captor punched out, catching him in the jaw. Wincing, he placed a paw on his cheek, forming a fist with the other.

"Don't you dare try to stop me again, do you hear me?"

"No, I'm not going to stop!"

Haze moved his hand away, before swinging at his captor multiple times. The first one was swiftly dodged, but the second one hit them right in the stomach. They staggered back, only to glare once more.

"You aren't going to win this you know."

They attempted to smile at him.

"I think I will. After all, this is my head, and I control it."

Haze readied his hands once more, starting to walk closer. His cap- no, replica, turned and started to run.

Haze gave chase, the platform of white extending into a darkness that he could stay on. He tried to keep up, but lost the copy in the darkness.

Somewhere in the distance, there was a cry...


Phoenix had been floating in the air for some time now, and had only just now began to see himself. He was almost completely immobile, except for his head and fingers. He had watched Haze give chase into the darkness, and had only been there for a moment, when.

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