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Emma's P.O.V 

finally when trevor thought it was safe he pulled me out of our hiding spot and guided me to a wide door. But as soon as we entered the door and the light stopped shining on my face i looked around and relized we were on a stage and a bunch of girls stared to scream and i felt someone grab my arm and yank me away from trevor. after i was pulled away from trevor i was pushed into a bunch of angry looking teens and they looked pretty mad one of them pulled my hair while an other toke off my shoes and then this one girl with pink hair was sratching me and leaving red marks on my arms. then i was pinned to the ground and punched right in the nose and i felt something warm go down my cheek and i asumed it was blood. i let all of this happen what was the use of wasting my energy on something i knew i won't win. then i closed my eyes and just waited for it all to stop but of course it didn't stop until five minutes past and finally when the crowd of girls cleared up i got up and ran. i ran to the mall entrance and i stepped into Macy's. i was looking for the food court that was where connor and the rest of the guys were so i followed the smell of food. by the time i found my way i had noticed a lot of people staring at me. i mean come on i was punched repeatedly by fifty teenage girls and every time i looked at my shirt it was covered with blood. thats when i found it the food court and i saw connor in line for taco bell and i ran to him. i ran into him and hugged him so that he didn't see my face. 

"i was looking for you, i thought something had happened to you" connor said and hugged me back. and then i thought to myself....hey something did happen look at my jacked up face. then i began to cry. 

"where's trevor" i sobbed and then he pulled away and i her him gasp 

"w-what happened to your face" he said 

"where is trevor" i said 

"he's walking this way" then connor walked up to him and they started yelling znd trevor glanced at me and his eyes got wide then he began to cry then kian walked over to them and then he started yelling at connor and then connor pointed at me kian saw me he gasped and turned to look at trevor then he began to yell at trevor then jack came over and he got into it then he noticed me on himself and ran over to me

"O.M.G are you ok, what happened, why is trevor crying, you need to go to the hospital" jack said 

"yes, i was attacked, because of me, and no" i said 

"EMMA YOU NEED A DAMN DOCTOR LIKE NOW"  he yelled and walked over to kian, trevor, and connor 

"are you ok" kian asked 

"she needs a doctor" jack said in a duh tone 

"oh shit your right" connor said and picked me up. he carried me to the car then i noticed that jc, jen, ricky, sam, andrea weren't here 

"what about the other guys" i said 

"i called them they said they'll met us there" kian said. then i noticed the connor skipped a red light and was driving way past the speed limit 

"onnor calm down" jack said 

"have you seen how much blood she lost and how much she is losing, she;s covered in her own blood and she's weak as hell" connor yelled then i felt dizzy. 

Kian's P.O.V 

as soon as we arrived at the hospital emma fainted she fell on trevor who was crying a lot because he felt bad. then jack just puked all over the car seat and then connor lost it and he began to cry and curse at trevor and well there was a bunch of beeping going on because of the guys and twitter and stuff like that. i figured since no one was moving and they were in panic that it was up to me to carry her into the hospital.  so i did, i checked her in made sure to not forget her room number and went to check on everyone. but the only person who looked likke they had calmed down was connor and he looked so sad.

"is she ok" he finally spoke 

"yea, i think, am pretty sure she is" i said 

"its all trevors fault" 

"no its not its no ones fault but i do think that what he did is stupid" 

"am sorry connor" trevor said 

"guys she was stabbed" i turned to see jc crying too

"what" we all said at the same time 

"i was talking to the docter he said she was stabbed" jc said between cries 

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