chapterb 4

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West had go ductur bcc his 1 inchur kok was eeted by maggit so he git brindin surgy and git rubbir chikin insted of 1 inchrr kok

Ductur think wests rubbir chikin  hAWT so he raped him and west criededed and he telled a popo and the popo did no care and west gitted raped by the popo

Meanwile halleee and stanleee was sitting on cowtch wit they 7 kidz and news came on and news say "west shuld git raped 89 tiems in last hour"so halleee laffed "😜😜😂😀😎😄" but then west braked door and he was all liek "😠😤👅" and stenlee jump in front halleee and shootid west wit brindins bazoorka and west dieded 😌

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