// your secret's safe with me //

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// your secret's safe with me // 
word count: 1159 
"You were just on the freaking CEILING!"

I knocked on the door, tugging on my oversized sweater. The door swung open, familiar arms pulling me into their chest. A bright smile was plastered on my face, the same on theirs. I chuckled, hugging back.

"Hey Aunt May," I began cheerfully, "How are you?"

The gorgeous, older woman grinned at me, affection reflecting through her shining orbs. "I'm great, Y/N! Come in, come in!"

Ever since middle school, I always thought of May as my aunt, assuming she thought of me as a niece. She had open arms I would run into and stay in whilst my parents fought, or when I needed anything at all. Now that I live in the apartment opposite her, I'm able to visit more often. By that, I mean every day.

Of course, it wasn't always just myself and Aunt May. There was always someone I mainly wanted to see; Peter Parker, May's nephew, my best friend. He was there from the beginning and never left my side, and I never left his. A few months prior, I realised my feelings for this boy who I loved so dearly. The boy who comforted me when I was discouraged, the boy who made me laugh at my lowest, the boy who asked for some advice about girls, the boy who gave the best cuddles. I was in love and I fell hard.

Though since his uncle passed, Peter has been a bit off. One minute he's there, the other he's not. For a reason I don't know, he never fails to convince me that he was caught up in some business.

I stepped into their apartment for the millionth time, sniffing the air. "Oh, May! What are you cooking? It smells amazing–as usual," I gushed, skipping into the kitchen in awe.

"Awh, thanks, dear. It's nothing, just some dinner for Peter and I," Aunt May replied, walking in after me, "You should stay for dinner!"

"That'd be fantastic, thank you!" I pecked her cheek gratefully, "My parents won't be home all day. Is Peter home?"

May hummed lightly, glancing over at the clock that was attached to the wall. "He should be back soon. You know Pete, he's always got something to do," she smiled, opening a cupboard to reveal some cutlery.

"Busy boy," I teased, "I'll just be in his room. If you need any help with dinner, feel free to call me."

With that, I made a beeline to his bedroom and closed the door behind me. I set my backpack down and pulled out my algebra homework, sitting myself down on his chair. Staring down at the equations, I groaned and began to tap my pen on the paper. If only Peter was there to help, he'd know all the answers... I hate how much of a genius he is.

Immediately giving up and relying on Peter to come home quickly so we could work together, I spun around and jumped onto his twin bed. I snuggled into his bed sheets and pillows, suddenly reaching out to cuddle with the dork. You idiot, he's not here.

Sighing into the comfort of his pillows, I found myself falling into a deep sleep.





My eyes fluttered open to the sound of Peter's window opening. Staring upwards in surprise, I found myself watching the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man crawling on the ceiling. I sat up instantly, jaw dropped. FREAKING SPIDER-MAN WAS IN THE ROOM! I always idolised him, admirative of his heroic actions and role within the area. Never in my life would I have dreamt that Spider-Man would be climbing the walls of a room I was in.

Before I could say anything, he tore the mask off his face. Screw saying something, I wanna scream now. Peter Parker, my best friend of a few years was on the ceiling as a superhero everyone loved. MY Peter Parker was Spider-Man. Everything made sense to me. Everything buzzing in my mind about where Peter was and if he was safe, clicked.

He softly landed on the ground of his bedroom, not noticing me at all. Still, in shock, I continued to stare. Peter slowly turned around and his face dropped at the sight of me. I felt like screaming at him, pushing him away for always lying to me; but I felt like crying and pulling him back in for a hug. Mixed emotions.

"W-What are y-y-you doing h-here?" he stuttered nervously, panic flooding his eyes. I watched as Pete applied pressure to his chest, the costume loosening and falling down his sides. Don't stare at his body, Y/N, you creep.

I scoffed, "Oh, I don't know Spider-Man, just waiting for my best friend to come home so we could do homework together. Apparently, he's busy doing something important–oh wait, he's actually been lying to me, he's a crime-fighting spider."

Peter shook his head violently, desperately moving closer to me as I sat at the edge of his bed. "N-No, I'm not!" he lied, grabbing my shoulders.

"You were just on the freaking CEILING!" I exclaimed, his hand slapping over my mouth. I yanked it off, enraged that he had the guts to lie to me.

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't want you to get hurt or be concerned about me. P-Please don't tell anyone, Aunt May doesn't even know. Only you. Y/N, I just wanted you to be safe, alright?" Words fell out of his mouth, a crooked smile displayed on my lips.

"Pete, how could you say that? Of course I'm going to be concerned - you say that as if I'm NOT concerned for you at all! Jesus Christ, whenever you're "busy" and get home late, I can't help but be concerned," I rambled on, his cheeks enlightened with pink and red, "But I could never be mad at you for too long."

Peter pulled me to stand up and wrapped his strong arms around my waist. I collided with his bare chest, my arms around his neck. I rested my head on his shoulder, "Just stay safe for me, yeah Pete?"

His chest vibrated as he laughed softly, "Anything for you."

We made direct eye-contact, butterflies erupting in my stomach. "Your secret's safe with me."

"Thank you," Peter sighed leaning over to kiss my forehead, "Love you so much."

Although we exchange friendly "I love you's" every now and then, I couldn't help but blush. "Love you more," I say and giggle, "I sorta love Spider-Man the most though. He looks really good in spandex."

Before he could respond, Aunt May barged in and we pulled away from the embrace. "Oh! Peter," she chirped, "dinner's ready... might want to put on some clothes, big guy." Aunt May winked at me, wriggling her eyebrows. "Aunt May! Stop!" I moaned as she slipped out of the room.

"Hurry up, spider-dork. We've got homework to do after we eat."


"It suits you."

"You're adorable, Y/N."

"Shut up."



soooo what do you think? i'm quite proud of it but i dunno...

have a spidertastic day filled with tom holland and more tom holland because i love tom holland but omg peTER PArker and tom hollaND wOwIE


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