// is this seat taken? // pt.1

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// is this seat taken? // pt.1 
word count: 812 
"Are you talking to us?"

You wouldn't notice her, the new girl with black tracksuit bottoms, a loose t-shirt and black vans, a suitable beanie resting on the top of her head. You wouldn't notice her soft and brushed H/C hair that was left down. You wouldn't notice how she would adjust her full-rim glasses, pushing the frame back further on the bridge of her nose. You wouldn't notice how she hid behind fallen wisps of hair that escaped from beneath the close-fitting hat whenever someone would catch her eye or would look in her direction. You wouldn't notice how she always had her nose stuck in a book.

But Peter did, even from across the busy hallway.

He watched from afar at his locker as she buried her head in a large novel, supposedly reaching the end of the story. Peter was so engrossed in staring at the new girl that when Liz walked past him and greeted him, all he replied with was a brief wave. She nodded slowly, scurrying back over to her friends. Peter leaned against the door of his locker, his arms crossed over his chest. To say that this girl was pretty was an understatement - he'd say she was a goddess.

"Liz is back that way, you're staring at the wrong girl," the voice of Ned snapped Peter out of his trance. He waved him off, his eyes frantically searching for the girl when she disappeared into the crowd of students. Peter sighed, finally locking eyes with his best friend who wore a cheeky grin. "That's Y/N L/N. She's from Australia, apparently. Made her debut yesterday, actually."

"Y/N L/N," Peter muttered, loving how her name rolled off his tongue with ease. What a pretty name.

"You think she had a pet kangaroo back in Australia?" Ned asked him, "that'd be cool."

He rolled his eyes, clutching his textbooks to his chest as the bell rang. People were rushing to their classes, others pushing past and few just standing there, waiting for the crowd to pass. Peter and Ned walked side-by-side to their first class, Math.


Peter poked at his food, his appetite lost. He propped his head upon his fist, his elbow on the table. Ned nudged him, trying to make conversation but Peter was out of it. His eyes wandered around the cafeteria, attempting to find the pretty girl, Y/N, but he wasn't in any luck. He pondered what her accent would be like, very Australian, or not even noticeably Australian? Not once did he glance at Liz who was wearing her signature skirt and blouse, even if she did look great, as usual.

Ned straightened his posture as a figure approached them. Peter didn't pay any attention, that is until his best friend collided with him. He hissed and trailed his eyes up, meeting with beautiful E/C orbs that he could search through for hours. "Uh, e-excuse me, is this seat taken?"

Very Australian.

Y/N pointed towards the open spot across from Ned and Peter. She had a simple backpack slung over her shoulder, the same novel from the previous morning in her left hand and a tray in the other. She stood awkwardly, bouncing on her toes. Peter gawked at her features, finding her to be extremely cute. Her stammering made his heart leap, an odd smile growing on his lips as he turned a shade of pink.

"Are you talking to us?"

"I believe so," she replied, chuckling softly.

Ned answered her initial question almost immediately, "Nobody is sitting there! We don't have anyone else who would want to sit with us, right, Peter?" Ned responded, winking at him.

"N-No. I mean, y-yeah, wait, no? Er, n-no one is sitting there," Peter stuttered, flustered.

She grinned shyly, placing her tray on the table and sitting down. "Thanks. I'm Y/N. I came from Australia, today's my second day at Midtown."

"I'm Parker. Peter. Parker Peter. J-Just Peter," he swallowed, already making such a fool of himself. Y/N didn't seem to mind, however, and found it adorable.

"Do you have a pet kangaroo?" Ned interrupted, eager to hear her response. Peter gently smacked him in the arm, sending him that look. "Oh. I'm Ned."

She tilted her head to the side, letting out a laugh that was music to both boys' ears. "No, unfortunately. Sorry, mate. It's uh, nice to meet you two."



okay it has been more than a month. writer's block has been killing me and i just don't have enough creativity or energy anymore!

part two's are in progress.

yes, i will be making a part two of this. i'm sorry this is so short, i would have added more to it, but i don't know what else to include so i'll leave it up to suggestions or wait until i get a creative spurt!

hope you're all doing wonderfully x


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