Chapter Nine

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“Lady Elizabeth,”

Elizabeth lifted her gaze briefly from the book she held in her hands and turned to the door.

“Hello Lena.” She offered the somewhat nervous maid a smile.

“You have a visitor.” The maid finished.


“Lord Frederick, My Lady.”

A frown settled on Elizabeth's face. Not only was Frederick's presence unannounced, it was undesired.

“Alright.” She nodded, and waited until the maid curtsied before leaving the library.

Elizabeth rose to her feet and put the book back in it's place on the shelf. She'd get back to it, she decided. Turning to leave the room, she made her way to the parlor. Her frown deepened as her gaze scanned the empty room. Surely, Frederick should be here, waiting. Had he decided to leave already? She didn't know and a part of her hoped that this was the case.

“My Lady?”

She turned abruptly to find the same maid standing by the entrance.

“Lord Frederick has chosen to leave?”

Lena shook her head, her brown hair moving in sync with her head. “He refuses to come into the building. He awaits you outside.”

Elizabeth opened her mouth to question the maid further, but she decided against it. Lena probably had no idea why Frederick would not only choose to show up unannounced, but would refuse to enter the castle. The more Elizabeth thought of Frederick, the less she actually liked him.

Should she send him on his way? She could tell her parents she didn't care much for Frederick and perhaps they'd be disappointed but they'd move past their disappointment and it would save them the expenses of throwing another ball in three days. She also needed to give Frederick an answer to his proposal; she wasn't interested.

“Very well.” She heaved a breath and made her way to the front door.

Elizabeth stepped into the open space, her eyes immediately catching sight of a horse. A smile replaced her frown as she caught sight of the majestic animal.

“My Lady,”

She tore her gaze off of the wonderful creature before her, long enough to see Frederick standing by the foot of the stairs, smiling up at her.

“Lord Frederick...” She whispered, her gaze shifting back to the attractive mane. It was one of the rare breeds of horses, strong and well bred.

Frederick climbed the stairs and came to halt before her.

“It's nice to see you.” She said, stretching out her hand to him. He received it and leaned down, his lips brushing her knuckled. “Although I must confess to be beyond surprised at your presence.”

Frederick chuckled. “I thought we could race.”

“What?!” She gawked at him.

“You love horses, don't you?” He asked, his eyes shining with humor. Her gaze moved briefly down his body to find that he was dressed in black riders trouser and a black jacket. She nodded. “Very well, let's race.”


“Oh, here comes Blue.” Frederick said, turning to the side. Elizabeth followed his gaze to find a male servant pulling Blue along. “Come, Lady Elizabeth, we shall race to the gates and back.” Frederick laughed, taking captive of her hand and pulling her down the stairs. “I promise,” He pulled her to a halt before Blue and whispered into her ears, “I'll let you win.” He grinned.

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