Chapter Twenty Six

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It didn't matter how long Caitlin sat trying to convince herself that she was doing the right thing, that her decision to continue her illicit affair with Frederick, in spite of the fact that Elizabeth was aware of it, was a good decision.

She shouldn't have allowed Frederick cajole her into spending yet another night with him. She should have stood by her resolve to end her relationship with him especially because Elizabeth was her friend and didn't deserve the betrayal.

Yet, Caitlin found herself easily being led to Frederick's carriage where they were driven to a hotel room and she spent yet another night of passion with a man she wasn't married to.

The longer Caitlin sat thinking about it, the more convinced she was that it was an irreversible evil; there was nothing she could do to change it. Elizabeth already knew about the affair and she was certain Elizabeth would never forgive her for it. There was also the fact that Caitlin had, against her better judgment, already fallen in love with Frederick. She couldn't possibly deny what she felt, least of all, walk away from it.

Turning to the side where Frederick laid sleeping beside her, she leaned down and placed her head on his bare chest, wrapping an arm around his waist and leaning into his side.

The society might not approve of their affair, but it didn't matter to Caitlin. Nobody could understand what she felt.

She felt Frederick lift her arm from around him, before rising to a sitting position. Rising along with him, she offer him a smile; one he didn't acknowledge as he rose to his feet and began pulling on his trouser.

With her smile easily being replaced with a frown, she scrambled to her feet as well and stood before him.

“Do you have to leave so early?” She said, batting her eyelashes. Frederick responded with a low groan. “I don't have to rush home tonight especially because my mother is on a journey and papa is would most likely not notice my absence.” She leaned close and placed a seductive finger on his chest. “I'm sure Elizabeth won't mind your absence for a few more hours.”

Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Frederick went about his business of wearing his clothes. Caitlin sighed in frustration but wasn't about to give up just yet. Taking a step that brought her face to face with Frederick, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to kiss him.

Frederick let out a foul word before shoving her backward. With a surprised yelp, Caitlin struggled to maintain her footing.

“I understand that you are a woman with no class, Caitlin, but at least show a little restraint!” Frederick hissed, shrugging on his shirt.

Shame washed over Caitlin until it was almost impossible to stand. She stood still as Frederick's eyes ran over her naked body with undisguised disdain. Turning to face the door, Frederick walked out of the room, leaving her standing there with tears running down her face.

~ ~

“Your grandson?” Elizabeth placed trembling hands over her mouth.

Gary nodded solemnly. “Perhaps. I am not certain but there is a chance and this chance has given me hope. I cannot let you take it away from me.”

“This is impossible, Lord Wellington!”

“I know. I am incapable of making any sense of it but I saw something on the boy that only a Wellington has.”


“A burn-like birth mark.” He said and Elizabeth just stood there, gawking at him. “It was on his back...” The memory of what Gary saw on Bailey's back, always managed to frighten him.

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