Chapter Fifteen

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The closer the carriage got to the building, the harder it became for Caitlin to breathe.

Why did she agree to this?! She scolded herself as the carriage came to a halt. Why on God's green earth did she allow Gretchen talk her into coming back to the Wellington estate less than twenty four hours since she was shamed out of it by Frederick?!

Caitlin remembered very well what it felt like standing stark naked alone and rejected in Frederick's bedroom. She remembered the humiliation she felt when the door was pushed open and a servant appeared to find her in such a state. She remembered just standing there and crying for what seemed like a century as the implications of her actions began to sink in.

What man would marry her now?! Surely, even the lowest of class wouldn't consider a woman whose chastity had been lost! Surely society would mock her! Surely her chances of ever getting married to a man of influence had been completely dashed by one singular foolish action! And for what? For nothing but a few minutes pleasure with a man who was quick to throw her out the second he found out that she was worth next to nothing.

Caitlin had hurriedly picked up her dress from where Frederick had tossed it, and had pulled it over her body. She made her way through the hall and down the stairs with her head bowed, too ashamed to lift it up. However, as she made to walk by the guest parlor, she heard what sounded like an exchange of vows and she immediately knew it was a wedding. Stopping in her tracks, she lifted her head and her eyes immediately came to rest on her best friend getting married to Frederick!

Her world stopped. Caitlin must have stood frozen there for an entire hour, she didn't know but her legs all of a sudden seemed too heavy to move as she watched in utter horror as Elizabeth and Frederick tied the knot.

So many questions bombarded Caitlin's mind; how did this happen? Did Elizabeth even know Frederick? When did they meet? Why was Frederick making such a hasty decision?! Did Elizabeth know what sort of monster Frederick was?! Did Elizabeth know Frederick had practically deceived Caitlin and had ruined her for life?! Should Caitlin warn Elizabeth?! Could she warn Elizabeth without exposing herself to the shame that came with such show of indecency?! Would Elizabeth even believe her?

Unable to stand the pain that raced through her heart, threatening to give her a heart attack, she had immediately turned from the horrid scene, and had raced out of the building.

Caitlin had spent the entire night crying but the second the sun rose, she wiped her tears and plastered a smile on her face. It was bad enough that Frederick took something away from her that she could never recover but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of stealing her joy. She wasn't going to give anybody the satisfaction of stealing her joy!

Putting aside every dream to ever get married especially because all men were pig; rich and poor alike, she decided to learn the art of dress making, inherit her mother's dress shop and live single for the rest of her life.

Caitlin had only just decided on a new plan for her future when a hysterical Gretchen showed up in her house. Gretchen had fallen to her knees, practically begging Caitlin to speak with Elizabeth. According to Gretchen, Elizabeth wanted nothing to do with her family and had only gotten married to spite her family.

Thus, the reason for Caitlin's journey to the Wellington's estate.

She heaved a deep breath as the footman helped her climb down the carriage. Straightening, she made her way into the Wellington mansion, determined to avoid Frederick, accomplish her mission of trying to convince Elizabeth to forgive her mother, and then leave.

She was ushered into the guest parlor; the same room Elizabeth and Frederick had been married in a few hours ago. Planting herself on a sofa, she pulled her eyelids shut briefly and took a deep breath.

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