More basics

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🍹Muy bien- very good
🍹City- ciudad
🍹El dinero- money
🍹La moneda- currency
🍹Pais- country
🍹capital- capital
🍹Chévere- cool
🍹Estoy bien- I'm fine
🍹¿Qué pasa? - How are you
🍹Bastante mal- pretty bad
🍹Bastante bien- quite well
🍹¿Comó esta usted?- How are you? (formal/ polite- talking to an adult.)

🍹¿Comó te va?- how's it going?
🍹Comó le va? - formal way of how's it going
🍹Amigas- used when talking to a group of friends (plural -females). It means "friends".

🍹Amigos- friends (plural-males)
🍹Amigo- friend (singular- male)
🍹Amiga- friend (singular- female)
🍹perro- dog
🍹 nombre - name
🍹libro- book
🍹apellido- surname
🍹aula- classroom
🍹estudiante- student
🍹casá- house
🍹apartamento- apartment
🍹palabras- words
🍹cara- face

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