I'm Sorry, Old Friend.....

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Paul, Patryk and Tord walked out the base to look for someone. They walked to Edd, Tom and Matt's house. Edd was in Matt's room and they were snuggled up against each other. Tord opened the door without knocking and walked inside.

Paul: "Uhh...sir? I don't think-"

Tord: "I don't care, Paul! Now shut up before I make you head back to the Red Army base and make you clean it for an entire month with nothing to do!"

Paul: "Yes, sir....."

Tord had walked in the hallway and snuck up on Tom, then grabbed him. Tom screamed like a little girl. Edd jumped up after hearing someone scream.

Edd: "D-did you hear that?"

Matt: "Hear what?"

Edd: "I heard someone scream..."

Matt: "It was probably a little girl playing outside."

Edd: "Yeah...I guess you're right..."

They both snuggled up against each other once again and fell back to sleep. Tord had brought him outside where Paul and Patryk were.

Tord: "Do you think we should get Edd and Matt?"

Paul: "It's your choice, sir."

Tord: "Then I'll go get em' now!"

Tord ran back inside and went upstairs to Matt's room. He was confused by seeing Edd snuggling up against him, but he just ignored it and took Edd and Matt with him. It took him almost 20 minutes to get them both and he finally brought them outside. He tied all them up one at a time.

Tord: "Paul, you take Edd. Patryk, you take Matt. And I take Tom."

Paul and Patryk: "Yes, sir!"

They each grabbed them and walked to the Red Army base. Yet again, it took them about an hour to get back. They all layed Tom, Edd and Matt down and untied them, then quickly strapped them up. Tom was struggling to get out the best he could, while Edd and Matt had a terrifying look on their face.

Edd: "Tord...p-please don't do this..."

Tord: "Why should I not do it? Are you scared that your loved one is gonna die? HA!!! Pathetic! Alright. Let's get this settled so we can turn you guys into your future selves. Paul, get the lazer and metal. You're gonna have to remove Matt's right eye as well. Patryk, get the suits for them. They're gonna need em' anyway."

Paul and Patryk: "Yes, sir!"

Paul got the lazer for Tom and he got the metal for Matt. He got a robot eye for him as well. Patryk got the suits for Tom and Edd. Paul set the lazer facing Tom's face and it was perfectly aimed at his eyes as well. Patryk was holding the suits in his arms so he could put one on Tom and one on Edd.

Tord: "I think we're ready...are you guys ready? Ha...I bet not. Alright. Shoot the lazer, Paul. After you do that, replace Matt's eye with a robot eye and put the metal on his chin."

Paul: "I'm on it, sir!"

Tord: "Great. Patryk, after Paul finishes with the lazer and replaces Matt's eye, then puts the metal on Matt, I want you to put the suits on Tom and Edd."

Patryk: "Yes, sir!"

Paul started the lazer and shot it at Tom's eyes for about 5 seconds. Tom was screaming at the top of his lungs and eventually stopped. Tord grabbed the goggles and put them over Tom's eyes. Tom woke up, but he didn't notice he had goggles over his eyes for a while. Paul walked over to Matt and held both of his eyelids apart from each other.

Paul: "Brace yourself, Matt..."

Matt: "F-FOR WHAT!?

Paul: "For this..."

Paul put two of his fingers on the sides of Matt's right eye and Matt starting squealing. Paul was slowly pulling Matt's eye out and Matt was screaming in pain. After he pulled his eye out, he cleaned up the blood and replaced his original eye with a robot eye. Matt started coughing and Tom finally noticed he was wearing goggles over his eyes.


Tord: "Calm down. It's alright. Matt's getting the metal put on him now."


Tord: "Ssshhh...it's alright...it won't hurt a bit..."

Patryk held Matt down and put the metal on him. Tord screwed the metal on tightly so it wouldn't come off.

Tord: "There we go. Alright, Patryk. Put the suits on em'."

Patryk: "Yes, sir!"

Tord made sure they wouldn't move while Patryk was putting the suits on them. A couple minutes later, they finally had the suits on and got up. Matt looked pretty serious and so did Tom.

Tord: "I think we've completed our mission. Do you think we have?"

Paul: "Indeed, sir."

Patryk: "Yes, we have."

Tord: "Great! Then I shall call these three, Future Matt, Future Tom and Future Edd!"

Tom: "You didn't have to do this...but why did you do it?"

Tord: "All I wanted was a couple friends and I wanted you all to be a part of my army so we could complete missions and kill people together. But all I can say for now is...I'm sorry, old friend.........."

Hello, old friends! Sorry to say, but this is the end of the story...I promise I'll make another story soon. Probably an RP or something like that.

Well, time for me to go. So long, old friends!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2017 ⏰

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