Sometimes I link people I know with fictional characters. Kayla's always on top of her stuff, and she always know how to deal with shish in life, she's also really motherly when Dad's not around, so I link her to Katara from ATLA.
Her and her father stood in the parking lot, where moon shined brightly. He patted her head,"You be a good girl." He smiled,"You be a good girl." The man got in to his car, waved at her and drove of. She waved back,"Yeah, I will."
Trisha stood at the door of their room taking her keys out. Ariana stood behind her, once Trisha turned around she jumped,"Holy shit!" She caught her breath,"Damn, don't do that. What are doing standing behind me anyway?" Ariana just kind of looked downward. She didn't go outside much. she wasn't used to scowling. She also had Asperger Syndrome, but she'd gotten treatments and soon it wasn't that bad. However it didn't change the fact she had little to no common communication skills, she was fine around her sister and father but never around other people.
The big breasted girl opened the door for dork and the dork walked in. It was around nine, Trisha got a can of Diet Coke and Ariana grabbed her 2009 Toshiba Laptop. It had Mine craft, Spore, Team Fortress Two, RaiderZ, Doctor Who the Gunpowder Plot, Fighting is Magic, Mad Father and more. She also loved GTA but her therapist didn't recommend it.
He didn't really recommend anything except for more therapy. God, she hated therapy. It did help her though, she remembered the time she peed her self in the 8th grade because she was too scared to ask to go to the bathroom, or the time she skipped lunch for a week because she lost her wallet but didn't want to confess to her Dad. Once she got therapy she was a bit more confident, but she was still always scared of everyone. She also had paranoia. She often felt people had something against her or that they would only manipulate her and so she never made any friends. She had beleived friends were only imagination. But she didn't really think she needed friends, she had her sister and her Dad. And she knew her Mom looked at her heaven. She had trust in them, but loved ones don't change the fact that there are still horrible things on the Earth. Things she, or any being simply does not have the power to change: depression, and death, and fear. What she had a fear of wasn't death, she was scared of life, of the consequences. At a young age she realized she could be gone in an hour, or the next day. Or that oblivion could come in the fraction of a second.
Trish looked over at her computer,"You must have a lot of free time." Ariana blushed," I did. I mean, I do." Trish smiled, something Ariana didn't know she could do.