Chapter One

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My name's Ariana, first thing's first: I'm in the closet, oh that didn't come off as planned. I'm not in the closet as in gay in the closet. Well, not that there's anything wrong with being in the closet, I mean gay. I mean, I don't know what I mean. Okay, lets start over! My name's Ariana, I'm straight as far as I'm concerned, and I like to take a pen and paper inside my closet and write. The closet is the quietest place in the house, so it's easier to think and write here. 

She held a small, blue, cardboard box in her hands. She smiled, the red head freckles on her face complemented the grin. She slowly opened the box, "Ah memories." She sighed, "Art thou simply a figure of my grand imagination?" Oh the memories she had in that box she held to the end of her very years. Opening the box she couldn't help but flush, even though there wasn't anyone there that didn't keep her from embarrassment. She was still taking this box with her to college though, no doubt. She would've finished browsing but her sister Kayla walked in calm but tense,"Come on Legend of Ass hat we're gonna' be late." Ariana rolled her eyes, partly in frustration, partly in amusement. "No need to cuss." She responded, with that Kayla shut the door. Her sister always wanted to be on time, it was a somewhat tick of Kayla's. Ariana had her own ticks but they were diagnosed. Kayla had the luckiness to be considered "a normal teenage girl" by therapists while Ariana on the other hand was nervous, jittery, and according to Dr.Pill "a bit slow for her age". She didn't care, she liked Sherlock, and Doctor Who, and the Power Puff Girls, and even (dare she admit it) My little Pony: Friendship is magic. Yeah, so what if she were "slow"? She still had the mental capability to do and/or be whatever she wanted. 

 She walked out with the blue box (her last package) in her hands. Her sister was already in the car by the time Ariana stepped out, "Ready?" Kayla asked. "Ready." She stepped inside the rusty, Honda civic, with the box still in her hands. Her sister was on the wheel and ready to drive of into a distant world called college, although a question still lingered her mind,"Is Dad coming to visit?" Ariana asked, somewhat regretful. Kayla smiled," I told you, he has work. But maybe we might get lucky." Kayla looked into Ariana's eyes for a second," Maybe." 

Ariana's green eyes complemented perfectly with her hazel, red hair. She was quite a beauty, but such superficial things didn't really matter to her. What else matters? She often wondered, We're all human, 'pretty' is fake. Something always hides behind beauty. Kayla looked at the street and back at Ariana, "Ugh. You're bringing that piece of junk?" Kayla rolled her eyes, almost in pity.

 "What!?" Ariana began, "This box happens to contain the 1999 complete Doctor Who action figure set, not opened!! Not to mention the entire Harry Potter series, along with Divergent and not to mention my autogra-"

She was interrupted by Kayla," Ariana. You're not thirteen years old anymore, under what circumstances will you need the entire Harry Potter collection?"

"You don't know when Hagrid might come up to my dorm in the middle of the night and say, ' Yer' a wizard Ariana!'. If I have these books, I'll have almost all the information and spells I need." She exclaimed jokingly, she didn't actually believe in Harry Potter or anything but she still liked to imagine what it would be like.

After a good two hours of driving, all became a chain of boredom and the more interesting conversations were," She's got big chesticles." Or, "I wish I had a cola". So much boredom infact Ariana had an idea,"Hey, you wanna stop a burger place?" Kayla sighed," Fine." They parked the car and Arianna took out her wallet. They sat down at the 50's restaurant and looked at the menu. After ordering Arianna payed and talked a bit. Arianna took out her black berry, "So you wanna call Dad?" Kayla smiled," Kay, let's call Dad." Ariana dialed the number, after a few seconds there was a faint voice, "Hello? Is this Kaykay and Adri?" Adrinna burst into joy," Dad, my science astronomy studies start tomorrow, it is going to be absolutely fantabulous!" Adrinna winked at Kayla. Kayla snatched the phone," Takin' Literature." They could practically feel their Father's smile,"Oh Congrats girls, I'll make sure to come visit tomorrow morn. I gotta go, bye!" Kayla played around with her hair, something she did when she was happy. Kayla looked up,"Time to go."

They finally reached their destinations. Arianna still held the blue box in her hand, "Here goes nothing."

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