F E M I N I S M P T. 2

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So recently I've been noticing a lot of hate aiming towards feminism, and yes, there's ALWAYS been hate aimed towards feminism, but I've been noticing it more and more

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So recently I've been noticing a lot of hate aiming towards feminism, and yes, there's ALWAYS been hate aimed towards feminism, but I've been noticing it more and more.

And I realize that not everyone is a feminist and I will respect that decision. But when you come up to me and start screaming in my face about how feminism is some "cancerous monster" I won't feel inclined to respect your decision.

Today while scrolling through Wattpad I came across a couple books that were completely anti feminist. And being the huge supporter of feminism that I am, I decided to read them just to see what these people had to say. And let me tell you, it was just a load of bullshit.

One of them was just completely bashing feminists for no apparent reason, and with no evidence whatsoever. And in the other one, the author stated that she wasn't a feminist for countries like Europe and America, but was for countries like Saudi Arabia.


I understand that there are a lot of nations where women are treated far worse than they are in the US, but being a feminist for one country isn't really a thing. You're either for all women in every country, or you're not.

And her logic as of why she didn't support feminism in America and Europe was REALLY bad.

She said that the only thing that feminists in these countries care about is manspreading and mansplaining. Which is NOT TRUE AT ALL. She clearly doesn't really know the true meaning of feminism if that's what she thinks it is. And yes, feminists DO care about those things, but that's not the ONLY thing we care about.

I just really wish that people would try and educate themselves on a topic before going on a rant about why it's so bad and "cancerous".

(Yes, they actually called feminism cancerous.)

Again, if you come up to me and tell me that you are not a feminist and give me good reasons, I will respect that. But please, do not try to shove your beliefs down somebody else's throat. We all have different beliefs, but we should be able to debate about them peacefully without trying to force them onto someone else.

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