➹ Let the arrow guide you ➹

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I have been sitting in the train car for a little while now before it starts to move down the tracks into the unknown. I sit crisscross looking out into the night watching city lights pass by in blobs of orange and yellow. The wind blows through my hair and in a way it's almost freeing to be here and not worrying about the past or the future's problems.

Sometimes I regret the decisions I have made in the past but I can't stop them now. Many you may think I am running away from my problems but that's not the case. I am not running I am freeing my self from them in a way by being carefree. I am seeing the world in a different perspective and living life the way I want and not being pressured to live like other people want me to. This my chance to find the real me. Let the arrow guide you to your journey.

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I must have fall asleep because as I open my eyes I am greeted with the sun shining in my face. How can people have the sun shine directly in there face and be ready to start the day? I love the sun but not when it's in your face.

I stretch out my arms and look out to see where I am now. There are farm lands with different crops and animals covering them. There are some small farm houses and barns in the distance. Other than that there isn't much to look at but never the less it's still better then sitting at home in my room. I can't wait to see where this journey takes me.

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