
637 17 43

(A/n: post squip yay

Triggers: alcohol and drugs)

Rich's pov

I knock on the door to Jake's new house. Much to everyone's surprise he has a party right after his parents leave the new house, they're leaving for their job,  he says. I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket.

I open a text from Jake that says 'It's open'  I open the door and see Jake sitting on the couch, watching tv. I walk over and nudge his arm "we gonna set it up or what? "

Time skip brought to you by junkrats new skin for the summergames

I take a sip of the beer in my hand and look around. I see Madeline, Chloe, and Jenna gossiping or some shit, Jeremy and Michael getting high and Christine laughing at them. I look at Brooke next to me talking about how dumb it is that Chloe isn't gay for Beyonce. Then I see Jake taking to Dustin Kropp about something.

Dustin keeps looking at either me or Brooke... probably Brooke because, honestly, Brooke is pretty cute but it'd be weird to date her. Mostly cause she's like family to me and dating family is weird.

Dustin and I make eye contact. I glare at him kinda like a protective brother kinda glare that gives off the 'if you go anywhere near her I will kick your dick so hard you'll start having periods ' kinda vibe, cause I know he ain't good for Brooke.

He turns back to Jake and I mentally curse myself for being a lightweight. I hear Brooke sigh "ima get more chips, you want anything? " she asks as she stands up. I nod and tap the bottle because speaking is for chumps.

As she walks off I hear giggling I see Jake looking flustered as fuck and giving Kropp a punch on the arm.  I hate Dustin so much no one understands.  He's always hanging around Jake and pretty much being a huge cockblock in every situation.

Brook comes back with the whole bag of chips and a beer. I take the bottle and start rambling about the cockblock himself.

Time skip brought to you by Jake walking on his broken legs

Jake's pov

After talking with one of my friends for a while I decide to go hang with Rich.  He usually rambles a lot when he's drunk, he ends up spilling some good gossip I always forget in the morning.

I sit next to Rich on the couch and I hear him gasp "Jakey D!  I'm so glad you're here!  I was just about to get you away from the kropp-blocker " he giggled at his drunken wordplay and hugged my arm "he just always gets in they way.  I can never just kiss you without him being there"

"W-wait-" "I just really wanna do gay shit with you, you know,  full homo and all that" he put his head on my shoulder and I get into a slight panic, I always forget how clingy he can be when he's drunk. "I just really love you, Jake" I feel my heartbeat quicken "I love you too"

Time skip brought to you by Kropp-block

Rich's pov

I wake up to a headache. I look around I see a bed,covers and I turn around to see Jake right next to me. I see we're both fully clothed and I feel relieved. 

I stand up and walk into the kitchen. I grab water and an aspirin and I sit on the kitchen floor.  I try to remember what happened but the only thing I can think about is Beyonce and how she should have been my squip instead of the Muppet man.

I hear footsteps as I take another sip of water "morning" I jump a bit, I wasn't expecting someone to speak to me. I look up to see dickwad Dustin standing there smirking. I just wanna smack it off of him. 

I try to ignore him by looking on my phone but he sits next to me.  "I saw you all over jake last night" I scoot away from him "what do you mean" he scoots closer "you two where practically fucking each other" I scoot forward "why do you care" I ask.  "Because you're both my friends and I want you to be happy" he said. I stand up "go suck a dick"

I walked back to Jake's room and laid down. I felt an arm wrap around me "we need to stop hanging with Dustin" Jake says "may I ask why? " "he's a homophobic asshole" I turn around so that I'm facing him.

"I love you,  jake"

"I love you too, Rich"


A/n: that sucked whoops.  Requests sent open yet cause I already got some ideas yay.

What to expect:
Squip boys (Rich x Jeremy)
Pinkberry (Chloe x Brooke)

Ok bye

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