Chapter 2

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"Jagiiiyahh," Jimin cooed, wrapping his arms around me as soon as I walked out of Starbucks, holding my drink.

I giggled. "Get off me, idiot!" I said, shoving my boyfriend away.

Jimin smiled. "You know you want it," he says, winking at me.

"Ew, boi byee," I laughed, sticking my tongue out. But Jimin knows what I say is not what I always think. He gets me that way. So, in the end, we walk arm in arm to hang out in the park nearby our college.

I know, I know. I sound like I'm a basic, spoiled, byotch, already. But that's because I am, right?

No, not really. I guess you could say I like to pretend that I am indeed a basic, spoiled, byotch. It gives me a lot of security to act like someone I'm not, because my real self is too vulnerable and rather unflattering.

I'm glad to have Jimin by my side. He's really the only who's always there for me, who understands me... Don't get me wrong, I'm not some loner. I'm popular. Everyone knows my name, everyone knows my business, and everyone thinks I'm the best. But I'm not.

I have a lot of problems that I hide with my byotchiness. In high school, people thought I was being byotchy to look cool, which is why I earned the title of prom queen. But I'm not sure if people still believe in 'popular' or 'cool' in college. I don't care either way.

When I think no one is looking, I snuggle into Jimin's arms. He really is my savior. I remembered back to that night I had met him at a high school senior pool party...


"Al, Jimin's checking you out," Lacey nudged me.

"Yeah, he's hot. Those abs!" I whispered. Jimin was on the high school dance team while I was a varsity cheerleader. Both squads held high status in my high school. Everyone who was a dancer or cheerleader was dubbed as 'popular.'

"Go talk to him!" Lacey said, pushing me forward. "You guys would make the cutest couple!"

"No way!" I said, stepping back. "He's going to come to me."

And sure enough, Jimin, the cutest, but also literally the most sexiest boy walked up to me. Flirt mode was on!

"Hey, Alaska, right?" Jimin asked, smiling his cute smile.

"Of course," I winked. "Nice abs you've got there."

Jimin's face flushed just a tiny bit. "Hm, thanks," he hummed.

The rest of the conversation was uninteresting and horrible, but due to peer pressure, Jimin and I exchanged numbers and promised to hang out later that week in a pretty unknown place I had suggested.

To be honest, I liked this Jimin guy already. He was amazingly sweet and every action he made was incredibly cute and funny. The only problem was, he didn't seem interested in me. The fake me.

I had picked a pretty secluded place on purpose for the 'date,' so I could loosen up a bit with no one I knew around me. I think that first date was when Jimin realized I had a different side. The real me and the fake me differ a lot. Our relationship grew with Jimin loving the real me. He never questioned why I acted differently outside, which I found very thankful.

He's the only one I have...

The only one that I let to see my vulnerable side.

End of Flashback

"Jagi, we're gonna meet my boys today," Jimin announced, setting down a plate of sandwiches he had made on the kitchen table.

"Chim, they hate me..." I whined, sadly, grabbing onto a sandwich.

"That's okay. You can be by my side the whole time," Jimin reassured me, moving in to hug me from behind. I smiled.

"Okay, okay..." I said, holding out the sandwich I had taken to Jimin. He bit into it.

"I'm such a good cook," he boasts with his mouth full.

I laugh. "The best one I've ever met," I praised.


Jimin put an arm around me as we walked into the bar. I grumbled and pushed his arm off of me. Not faltered by the rejection, Jimin just grabbed my hand instead. He spots his friends and calls, "Bangtan!!! Squad up!"

"Hey hyung!" Taehyung said, smiling. "Oh. Alaska..." he added, nodding at me.

I just waved at Jimin's friends and sat down next to my boyfriend, taking out my earphones. I tell you, earphones save lives. I blasted my music in my ears as I just wished to go home.

"Jagi..." I heard Jimin. He snaked his arm around my waist. "Want anything to drink?"


"Okay," Jimin said. He patted my leg. He knows how much I hate being around other people. He knows how much I hate being my byotchy self. But he also knows how I can't stop being a byotch.

I think he's trying to cure by byotchiness by trying to get me to befriend his friends. I love the way he tries to help me, but I'm not going to take it.

I just bob my head to my music and stay silent, until Jimin tugs out one of my earbuds. "Hey!" I yelled, glaring at my boyfriend.

"Sweetie, socialize! You love to talk to people!" he says, giving me a look. "We're going out to the night fair now. The others are waiting for us outside."

"I only like to talk to people who don't hate me openly," I grumped.

"Bangtan doesn't hate you openly," Jimin said, cupping my cheek with his hand. I pried his hand away from my face.

"When I came back from the restroom, I heard you guys talking about me," I said.

"Oh..." Jimin said, turning red. "They didn't mean that stuff..."

" 'Jimin why are you dating her?' " I quoted. " 'She's not even affectionate or sweet towards you.' Oh and there was this, 'She's such a bitch, Jimin. Do yourself some good at leave her.' " I quoted again. I'm calm as I say all this. I can guard my emotions well outside. "I think they really hate me."

Jimin stayed silent. Then, he spoke. "We can go home if you like," he offered.

I fought back a grateful smile. Stay guarded, Alaska! "No. We'll go to the fair," I said.

Jimin wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "I love you Alaska Lee."

I didn't say anything back. I wanted to.

But I couldn't.

Some of my old high school friends were watching us...

Instead, I tugged my boyfriend out of the bar, where the Bangtan boys were waiting.

"Let's go!" Jungkook yelled. He was obviously very hype to go to the fair. I guess I was too... I mean, fairs had the best food!

When the eight of us arrived at the fair, Hoseok immediately dragged us to a merry-go-round. All the others except I grumbled about his choice for the first ride. Like Hoseok, I literally could not tolerate scary rides.

"Hey, let's try the alien shooting game!" Jimin said, dragging us all to the booth. I smiled inwardly. He knew I liked those kinds of games. By the end of ten minutes, I had won seven cute stuffed animals.

"One for everyone," I said, handing out the prizes I had won. I didn't really want to keep seven identical stuffed animals.

"Thanks, jagi," Jimin hummed, kissing my cheek. I pushed his face away.

"Yeah, whatever, no problem."

Later as I relaxed into my bed with Jimin on my side, I smiled. I'll have to admit that hadn't been too bad...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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