CHAPTER 8-An Uncomfortable Breakfast

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Could I be anyone other than me? Maybe if I chose a different path, if I ignored cries for help. If I closed my eyes and marched on, focused only on myself.

LoG, 160

"Good Light, mother," Nalina bowed, approaching the Queen.

Gospava laid her cheek for a brief, formal kiss. "And good Light to you, daughter," the Queen of Lagad replied coldly.

Such behaviour stopped making Nalina sad long time ago; as well as the fact that "it's not proper to throw yourself at your mother and hug her." Also, Gospava put into her head that Nalina now must call her "mother" only, not "mom," as she used to do it.

Too pedantic and obsessed with cleanliness, overwhelmed by the irrational fear of various illnesses, the Leader's wife was on the right path to alienate all her children. She developed a more intimate relationship with Miglena and Borna than that was the case with Nalina and Sobik.

The two older ones, as she claimed, "understood better it is necessary to change their behaviour and dressing style from the root. They knew they are the most important family in the city now."

"You are late again. Like every single Light." Gospava underlined each word in the sentence.

"I'm sorry, mother," Nalina apologised, dejected.

"If you were truly sorry, you would not do it with such frequency," was the Queen's icy answer. "I have already found out you were in The Kitchens."

Nalina cast a glance at Miglena who launched a wicked grin at her.

"Yes, your sister told me, and I believe she did well. Some of your habits must be eradicated. Time for The First Meal is there for a reason. I swear, sometimes I have a feeling you are doing it on purpose. Are you truly so presumptuous? Do you really think you are better than others?"

Nalina stood silent, looking at the floor.

"And is that the way to show up at The First Meal? In that simple dress? In those cheap shoes? With no ... Let me repeat ... With no makeup. Soon, people will confuse you with a servant girl. You are a princess and ..."

"I should look and behave appropriately," Nalina murmured to herself in anguish.

"What? What did you say?" Gospava leaned towards her.

"Nothing, mother. Am I allowed to sit down?" Nalina asked politely. Mom is so cold and intolerable. But it's difficult to stand up to her right now.

Gospava gazed at Nalina for a while as if she were sizing her up. Eventually, the Queen waved her hand dismissively and pointed to the table. "Yes, you may sit down. We lost too much time on you, anyway." She gave a sign to the service, and they brought in food in abundance.

There were pies, filled with cheese, ham, cabbage and meat; puff pastry, choux pastry, phyllo pastry. The smell of hot fresh breakfast spread throughout the dining room. More trays came, this time full of bacon, salami, prosciutto and sausages, and the most varied types of cheese, milk, sour milk, coffee, several kinds of teas and juices.

After they brought everything in, the family spoke the words "Glory to The Mind" and "Gratitude to The Fount".

A few jars with jams and hot buns were the last ones to join the party.

Nalina closed her eyes, enjoying the smell of freshly baked bread. It was as if she could see herself again on the stone floor of a small, cramped Namas, number 217. She was eagerly expecting the simple bun made of cheap corn flour. Her mother would bake it in the furnace and then break it into six parts. Kids loved eating it hot.

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