Chapter 4

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I was laying in bed with a fleece blanket over me.
The darkness all around was only interrupted by the bright, green numbers that flickered on a digital clock. It was sitting on a wooden desk by the window.
The clock told me that it was 00:00.

I heard muffled voices outside.

"Halfie, what happened with that girl."

"She is sleeping in the office."

"The office? That's your room!"

"She had to sleep somewhere."

"We still have some mattresses left in the dorm!"

"You think I trust all of you in the same room with her?"

"Why do you care?"

The voices faded away.
I turned around trying to get comfortable.

So this was his bed.

I closed my eyes and practiced a trick that my mother had taught me.
It could make you fall asleep in seconds.
You had to take deep breaths and think of one sentence over and over again.

The sleepy sailor snoozed on his ship...
The sleepy sailor snoozed on his ship...
The sleepy sailor snoozz...

I awoke when the sun shone in my eyes.
I put my bare toes on the cold floor.

I slid my trolley towards me with my left foot and took out some jeans and a tight, red tank top.

When I stood up I saw the sparkling sunlight and little fluff thingy's danced around in the light.

The clock on the desk said 05:43.
I quietly walked out of the room and an idea popped up in my head.

I walked through the deserted storage unit, went through a door on my left and I found 'The Dorm'.

I saw a see of guys sleeping under and over each other. Blankets and pillows were placed randomly throughout the pile of sleeping teens.
The floor was all mattresses.

I very slowly stepped over the raven haired boy that had stolen my shorts yesterday.

The smell of morning breath, cheap Axe deodorant and sweat creeped it's way up my nose.

I felt like a cat while I carefully made my way to Ethan, who was sleeping somewhere in the middle.
It looked like everyone had kinda made way for him. He was probably the only one who wasn't laying half under or over someone.

As quiet as a panther I kneeled next to Ethan and took some money out of his back pocket.

I counted about twenty dollars, which had to be enough.

Just as soundless as I came in, I left and walked outside.

I took a right turn. Then a left turn.
I walked all around the streets, searching for a grocery store.

Now the sun was shining and I wasn't getting robbed and felt up by an alcoholic, it was kinda beautiful, and peaceful out here.

[Bad] ft. Ethan•Dolan Where stories live. Discover now