Chapter 8 : Practice

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The whole "Ethan Dolan sneaking into my bed" incident was driven to the very back of my mind. Ethan and the guys had prepared me all day, cause tonight I was gonna go with them on my first robbery.

"Jesus, Kath." Ethan semi-moaned as I walked over the obstacle course that the guys had laid out for me.

I didn't really know what was so special about me walking so quietly, but Ethan and the guys seemed to find it something amazing.

I jumped off the barrel at the end of the obstacle course right in front of Ethan. I looked him in the eye

"It's so easy, I don't know what you guys are drooling over..."

"You." Ralph yelled from the back of the room.

I laughed and flipped my hair back as I walked to the beginning of the course again. I felt Ethan's eyes on me.

PJ was standing there like a football-coach, with a blue whistle around his neck.

"Okay, Katherine. You did good but know I'm gonna take some chairs away and see if you still find it 'easy'"

He pulled chairs out of the course in front of me leaving big gaps behind.

I smirked and jumped just as easy from the sofa to the overturned table,
From the table to the desk,
from the desk to the windowsill and so on...

When I came to the end I jumped on the floor and some guys that were watching applauded me.

I made a sarcastic bow and smiled.

"I can remember when Hinsh had to do the obstacle course..."
Daffy, a tall guy with a buzz-cut, laughed.
"He must have fallen off like eighteen times. Eventually he punched the glass window and no one dared to tell him to finish the course."

"If I would've been there, I would've said it." Ethan mumbled, pulling his hood over his head.

I looked at him for a second.
"Why is Hinsh called Hinsh anyway?"
I asked, turning to Daffy.

"One time he got mad and kicked a door of off it's hinges."

"You realize there is no 'S' in the word hinge, right?"
I chuckled.

Daffy rubbed his head
"shit, for real?"

PJ clapped in his hands
"Enough chitchatting, Katherine get over here."

I took off my hoodie, leaving me in my sports bra and walked to PJ to do the course again.

Writer's note:

Omfg so sorry for not updating in so long... i kinda forgot about this book but I'm glad I'm working on it again


[Ps i really like reading your comments sooo (; ]

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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