Ice skating | Liam

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"let's go let's go let's goooooo," the ecstatic blue eyed boy urged while jumping up and down.

"Liam chill I have to drive home to get my money," you sighed driving slightly faster.

Today is when the skating rink opened for the season. Ever since Liam moved here we have gone to the skating rink every year. The two of you were inseparable, best friends. Some people even thought you were dating, you wish.

"I don't wanna chill, I wanna go ice skating with you right nowwwww," he whined shaking you a little.

"One secondddddd we're here," you pulled into your driveway and parked. He jumped out fast and you groaned grabbing your house key and got out. You walked up to your door and unlocked it walking in. Liam closed the door behind you and you ran up to your bedroom grabbing your wallet.

You ran down the stairs being careful not to slip down them and stopped infront of him holding it up, "got it." He grinned and grabbed your arm dragging you to your car causing you to almost slip. This kid needs to chill.

He opened your door for you and basically throwed you in the driver's seat and you laughed at him and buckled and closed your door while he got in the other side. You stared at him while starting your car. "What?" He asked offended.

"Are you okay?" You asked raising your eyesbrows smirking a little.

"Mentally? No, physically? Yes," he joked with a smile on his face.

You backed out and started driving. As soon as you got there and parked Liam got out and ran to your side. You grabbed your keys and opened the door but Liam pulled you out and closed the door behind you.

"Liam," you stopped which made him stop and he looked at you signalling you to continue, "do you need to be put on adhd medication?"

"What? No I'm just excited," he frowned and grabbed your hand instead of your bicep.

"Well then let's go," you smiled and walked in then to the desk. He asked for both of your guy's shoe sizes while you pulled out your wallet to pay. After you payed you walked over to the bleachers and sat down putting on your shoes.

You both shuffled to the rink and you went in backwards to help liam because he still isn't the greatest. He held out both of his hands which you took and helped him onto the rink, "you sure you got this?" You asked raising your eyebrows.

"I do. I think," he mumbled slowly letting go of your hand and staying up. You smiled and started skating around the rink. He started to follow, "look y/n, I've got the hang of it!"

Right as you turn around he collides into you with him landing onto of you. You groan and open your eyes after the impact. "I'm so sorry," he giggled a little and pushed himself up a little.

"It's okay, now can you get off me?" You sigh and look up at him.

"First let me do one thing," he states but before you could ask what he pressed his soft lips onto yours.

Your eyes widened but slowly you kissed back. After a few seconds your realized you were on ice and decided to pull back before you froze to death.

He smiled down at you and you smiled back, "as much as I'd like to continue... Let's get off the ice and continue somewhere else."

Both of you stood up and went to the bleachers. And took off the skates putting on your regular shoes. As soon as you were done tying them Liam lifted your chin with his finger and kissed you. You kissed back and leaned towards him, you never thought this was going to happen but you liked it.

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