Jacksepticeye 2 ONE

145 2 1

(this one is a boy.)
I wake up in my bed.
one year since Jack adopted me.

He's getting married soon...
i don't like her...

Dad spends alot of time with her...
I've spoken to him twice.
Its not that shes mean..  But shes taking family time away...

I need to change it...

I get up and walk out of my room
"Papa?!" I yell as I walk down stairs.

Signe shushes me "hes recording" she smiles and hands me my plate of lunch.

I roll my eyes and go back to my room to eat.

I've been eating in my room for months...

I wish I could go back to the orphanage...  I did group stuff there...

I finish eating and curl up to cry.

A three hours later theres a knock on my door

"GO AWAY!" I yell

Jack opens the door and looks at me
"Buddy are you ok?" he sounds concerned

I shake my head and motion him to go away
"You seem to busy for me, so go... Have fun with Signe..  I'll be here..."

Jack looks shocked "Liam...  I'm never to busy for you...  What would make you think that?"

I look at him and sniffle "we haven't barely talked in a month.. Dad... Do you not want me no more?..." I look as if I'm gonna start sobbing again

Jack sits on my bed
"I do. Your my little boy..  Of course I want you." he pulls me into a hug
I start crying again as Signe peaks into my room
"Seàn? Are you coming? We have to hurry if we're going to dinner."
Jack looks at her "did you make it table for two or three?"

She looks confused "two...  Like we talked about..."

Jack sighs
"I said three... THREE! There is three of us Signe!"
Signe sighs and shakes her head.
"you said two. For just us.."

Jack looks at me and sighs
"do you want to go to Felix's house while we go to dinner?"

I shake my head
"no ill stay home... But if im not here when you get back dont worry..."

Jack shakes his head "Liam...  Please don't act like this..." Jack stands up

Signe walks back to the door "we got half an hour Seàn! Hurry up!"

Jack looks at her "We can't leave Liam alone! He's still my kid no mater what and I've neglecting him cause you make plans after plans for just us! He can get taken away for how much I've neglected him! Now Signe call the restaurant and see if we can change it to three! Or you can call someone up to go with you.  Cause if Liam isn't going I'm not either!"
Signe looks shocked and nods "I... I always thought he was your nephew.. Like godson kind of thing.. I never realised-" jack cuts her off.
"he calls me dad! I introduced you to him as my son! What are you trying to do?! Yes I love you. Dont think i dont but i need time for my son!"

Signe walks away

I hug jack tightly and smile
"Thanks dad... " i speak softly "but...  You did have to cancel your plans...  Go ahead and go. I'll be here when you get back...  I'll be fine" i bite my pride as i speak

Jack looks at me and shakes his head "Liam...  I need to make more time for you. I'm with you forever.  Even marriage can end. But you being my son is forever" he kisses my forehead and hugs me tighter.

I nod "ok dad.." i smile as jack drags my to the living room and puts in my favorite videogame in the counsel and we play for a few hours

Signe leaves after we started playing but she forgot her phone.

Her phone goes off a bit after she left.

Babe❤ pops up on the screen

Jack looks at it and gets angry.
He throws her phone and goes back to playing

He didn't talk we just played.
It was weird but it was good to spend time.
Signe walks in and looks where she left her phone
"honey have you seen my phone?" she smiles at jack

He nods and points to the hole in the wall and the shattered phone on the ground

She runs over to it "what happened to it?! Did he do it?!" she points at me and tenses up

Jack shakes his head "how was your date with your side man"

Signe pretends to be suprised.
"What? Seán your my one and only"

Jack rolls his eyes "then who is Babe with a heart emoji in your phone cause they called and i know its not me. Your a cheating little- UGH Signe this is over. I want you out in a week and i want my ring back.  Call off the wedding and search for a place to live.  Im done.  You made me neglect my son, blaming him for everything! You started to get pushy with things we went to do cause it HAD TO BE ALL ABOUT SIGNE! AND NOW! Now your cheating on me? This is bogus! Your a cheating little bitch! Get out of my sight."
Signe slaps him and grabs her purse to leave.

I cross my arms and try not to laugh

She points at me on her way out "this is all your fault you little brat!"
(btw i have nothing against Signe i just thought this would be more exciting of a story to have a big argument and only Father-Son bond)

Jack pulls me close and hugs me tightly "im so sorry liam... If i knew this wouldve happened i would've let you go to a better family.... I thought i was ready to be a dad but obviously im not...  Im so sorry... Your a good kid and dont listen to her. This is all her fault this has nothing to do with you" he cried as he speaks

I look at him as i hug back tightly "i know dad but i like it here...  Even without seeing you i know you love me. Please its ok" we hug for awhile before jack goes to make himself dinner; because i already ate.

He smiles to me with eyes still full of tears
"wanna sleep with me tonight?"

I nod "can we watch a movie?"
He chuckles and nods

         "of course! We can watch
               movies forever!"

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