Jacksepticeye ONE

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"My name.... Is Malorie" I speak as I write
I keep writing as mrs.lula comes in
Mrs.lula-"Malorie there is a man here... Do you wanna come down or wait till the next one?"
"No mrs.lula I said that last time.... I should go" I stand from my tiny desk and walk to her
We walk downstairs to the lobby
I see the man:
Kinda short
Green hair on top
Very pale
Wearing a deep green-blue beenie
He smiles at me
I wave shyly
He waves back
I look to the line of kids
Only 6 of us
Mrs.Lula edges me to the door
he walks to it too
~wait this is Jacksepticeye, Ok Mal stay calm~
I blush as he walks in the room
I walk in as well
Jack-"so what's your name beautiful?" He said with his soft accent
"I'm...I'm Malorie..." I smile
Jack-"that's such a beautiful name... What's your age?"
"I'm...I'm 12"
Jack-"well your pretty old then aren't ya?"
"I guess..." I blush
Jack-"do you watch YouTube?"
"Yeah! I actually watch you... Jacksepticeye"
Jack-"hey call me jack"
"Why? I've never left here before... And probably won't ever see you again...but I guess you can call me (y/n) if you want"
Jack-"your coming home with me (y/n)"
I scream in my head
Jack-"you ok?"
"Yeah.." I stand up and hug him
He smiles and hugs me super close
He walks us out and goes to the desk to sign papers
I run to my room and pull out a suitcase full of my clothes already and starts putting my valuables in it as well
I close it and run downstairs with it
And run up to jack
"Ok jack I'm ready"
Jack-"it'll be one more minute"
I go into a sly frown "why does it take so long?"
Jack-"cause it needs to process sweetie"
I smile "ok!"
The receptionist hands jack my birth certificate and says that we can leave
She waves and jack carries me to the car
"Wheee!!!" I laugh
Jack-"your heavier than I thought"
I shrug
He sets me down and I get in
He gets in the drivers seat
He drives us to the airport
"Why are we at the airport Jack?"
Jack-"cause we need to FLY home"
We laugh
"Ok...oh yeah you live in Ireland!" I remember
He laughs and pulls out my birth certificate to get my passport
He walks to the desk and buys two tickets to arthlone Ireland
   "Gate A to arthlone, Ireland is now boarding" the over the intercom
   Jack grabs my hand and we run to gate

We board the plane and sit in our seats
"Jack?" I look nervous
"yes baby girl?" he looks over to me
"I've never been on a plane before" I look at him as I talk to tremble
"do you wanna sit on my lap?" he smiles

I climb into his lap as we take off

I curl up tight in his lap "euh" I whine

"It's ok baby girl " he hugs me

I smile and start to fall asleep

He chuckles "my lil girl" he kisses my forehead
I start dreaming

I'm in my room at my real parent's house

pink walls
Blue bed
green dresser
Rainbow carpet

Mom walks in "Malorie time for bed..."

I nod and climb into my bed

Mom tucks me in
She kisses my forehead as I start to fall asleep
She walks out of my room

A few minutes later
I jump up
I hear a scream
-no response-
I get out of bed and walk down the hallway
-no response-
I walk into their room
I see them on the floor
"MOMMY DADDY!" I start crying
I turn and see a woman holding a gun
She drops it
Lady-"I I i didn't mean to I didn't know they had kids..." She starts crying
She hugs me
I try to break the hug
She carries me to her car
I sit scared
Lady-"dear...it's ok I'll take somewhere that you'll be safe..."
I nod
She drives me to the orphanage
I run to the door
I pound on it "she killed my parents help help help!"
A lady opens it and let's me in
Orphan guardian-"miss what's your name?"
Orphan gaurdian-"I'm mrs.lillian"
I smile
Mrs.lillian-"you'll be safe here.."
She takes me to my room
~~~~~~~~~end of dream~~~~~~~~
I wake up in his lap
Jack-"we're here..." He smiles and kisses my forehead
I smile as he helps me up
We walk off the plane
He takes me down a few blocks and to his apartment (second apartment)
We walks up and into the apartment
He takes me into the room he set up
Jack-"I didn't know if I was gonna get a boy or girl...so I chose mutual colors... For your birthday we can change it..."
"That sounds nice!" I smile and jump on the green bed
He smiles also "I'm happy to see you like it... The bed spread and the pajamas are custom made... I didn't know if you watched my channel or not..."
I look surprised "you did so much... Thank you Seàn"
Jack-"call me jack or dad or anything else...I just don't go by Seàn that much anymore..."
"Oh ok... Can i ask a question..."
"What happened to signe?"
Jack-"oh umm... She....she left..."
"Is she coming back?"
Jack-"she was in a major accident..."
"Oh I'm sorry papa...I didn't mean to bring it up"
He hugs me "you didn't know... That's fine..."
I smile with tears forming in my eyes
Jack-"are you hungry?"
I shake my head no
Jack-"let me know if you do get hungry"
I break the hug and lay back on the septiceye bed
~this is nice~ I think as he walks out the room
I look around
"A desk with can quarter?!
A Wacom! A huge wardrobe! He shouldn't have!" I whisper loudly
I jump up and sit at the computer
"Wapish! Top of the mornin to ur laddies my name is jacksepticeye!" I yell the intro
Then I realize the camera is on
"JACK!" I yell as he walks back in laughing
Jack-"yes Malorie?"
I cross my arms "did you record that?"
He nods
"Dang it jack!" I start laughing as he shows me his phone with the camera video on it
We laugh
Jack-"at least you know it" he shrugs
I try to respond as I laugh harder
Jack-"well since its on...you wanna record?"
I stop laughing "Would I ever!" I have wonder in my eyes
He walks out of the room and drags his chair in my room
I wake up the computer
He sits as I open the Internet and type in happy wheels
He laughs "you want me to rage a bit don't you?"
I nod and open a new tab and open the screen recorder
Jack-"you know your stuff!"
I look at the camera and wave "hey everyone it's Missprettylove here with my new dad..."
Jack-"Wapish top of the mornin to ur laddies my name is jacksepticeye and we're gonna play some happy wheels.... I'll try not to swear to much..."
"Eh swear all you want... I might whisper cuss words too...please don't get mad..."
Jack-"well if your gonna end up anything like me...your gonna swear A LOT!"
I laugh
I open a level "a jse bottle run"
Jack-"I'm BOSS at this!"
"As if! It takes you multiple tries!" I say as I start it and one shot it
Jack-"beginners luck..."
"I've played before"
I let him do a level
"A jse spike fall? With billy? That's a fit waiting to happen" I cross my arms
I laugh
He fails
I take the mouse and one shot this
"Secret bossly ways..."
Jack-"your princess boss! IM KING!"
"Nah your more servant and I'm QUEEN! Cause look you failed" I laugh
Jack laughs as well
Jack-"not possible...to young for the throne!"
I look serious "what's that supposed to mean!"
Jack-"just you'll be queen when your 18..." He looks confused at me
I shrug "I'll edit that out..."
Jack-"back to the games!"
I open another level and start playing
I die right away "FUDGE IT!"
Jack-"eh swear if you want..."
I try the level again
Fail once more "YOU BITCHLOID!"
Jack laughs "Mark references..."
"Who?" I look up
I shake my head no
Jack-"OK video over! We go in skype!!!" He shuts off the computer and stands up
He pushes my chair to his room
He turns on his computer and opens Skype
He presses the markiplier contact and it video calls
We wait
He answers
Mark-"hey jac- wait who's this?"
Jack-" this is Malorie... My adoptive daughter"
Mark-"she is very beautiful"
"I SPEAK!" I start laughing
Mark-"well your very pretty"
I blush "why thank you Mark..."
Mark-"so have you watched us in YouTube?" He's talking about him and Jack
"No only papa..." I smile regretfully
"Jack..." I correct myself
Mark-"oh" he shrugs
Jack-"we should all do a prop hunt video soon! Like us three and maybe Wade or Bob"
I look at jack and squeal from excitement
Jack-"woah! We have to ask Mark and set up a Skype for you"
"Ok! This is gonna be fun times!"
Jack-"yep! And next month we're going to LA to go do sketches with Mark and the cyndigo's"
I look back at Mark "Mark what's your YouTube name?"
He starts typing it
|markiplier typing| shows on the screen
|markiplier: markiplierGAME|
"Thanks Mark!" I run to get a paper and pen
When I come back I see jack and Mark talking
"I'm back!"
Jack looks back and scurries to stand
Jack-"h-h-here you baby girl..." He quickly wipes his tears
"Papa what's wrong?"
Jack and Mark-" nothing... Just talking about stuff you wouldn't know about"
"Ok?" I sit back in the chair
Mark-"so where are you from?"
"Actually I'm from New Jersey but I moved to Iwoa"
Mark-"I'm from Cincinnati Ohio"
"I've been there...very pretty"
Mark nods as if he was talking to a three year old
Mark-"how old are you?"
"I'm 12 gonna be 13 in July"
Mark-"wow I thought you were like 6 oops"
"I get that a lot. I'm very short"
Jack and Mark-" so are we!"
I smile "so I'm not the only one"
They nod
Jack-"I was just as short as you at your age. That doesn't mean you can't stand tall"
Mark-"life may be kinda hard but it gets easier"
Jack-"well Mark we should let you keep recording"
I smile as mark hangs up
"He was nice"
Jack-"he's very nice"
"Wanna go to the shops?"
Jack-"sure we should let you get familiar with Arthlone"
"Ok papa" he holds my hand after I get my rain coat he bought for me on
We walks though the town
Jack-"it's not as rainy as it usually is" he looks up slightly
I do the same
"I guess I'm just a sun magnet" I laugh
Jack-"it's actually really nice"
We walk into the grocery
Jack-"want something?"
I look around "cookies?"
Jack smiles "your gonna be JUST like me"
I grab the box of sugar cookies and we walk to the register
We wait behind one person
Our turn
We walk up and I set the cookies on the counter as the cashier rings it up
Jack pays and grabs the cookies
We walk out and eat the cookies as we walk
"So how long have you done YouTube to be exact?"
"COOL! I started my channel on April 25, 2014"
Jack-"was that before or after you watched me?"
Jack-"well if I'm in your videos your gonna get A LOT of attention and hate..."
"Yes I know! I'm only 10,000 subscribers behind you"
We walk to the park
We sit and eat the cookies
Jack-"so what exactly happened to your parents?"
"House break in. They both died"
Jack-"I'm so sorry!"
"I was there... I saw them.... Then the KILLER brought me to the orphanage"
Jack-"that sounds fucked up!"
"It was scary... A woman who has blood on her name taking a 5 year old who saw her kill her parent to the orphanage"
Jack-"still... FUCKED UP!"
We finish the small box of cookies
I throw the box away and we walk over a bridge back over by Jack's apartment
Jack-"we should play some games the both of us"
"Ok!" I run ahead back to the apartment
He keeps up and unlocks the door
I run to his room and get my chair
Then push his chair back to his room
I turn on my computer and open steam
"What to play? What to play?" I scroll through my list of games
Jack-"wanna play a game called who's your daddy?"
I laugh and get the game
I also get Skype and run to jacks room
"Papa what's your skype?"
I run back and send a contact request
I run back "I'm Missprettylove"
He nods and accepts my request
I run back and call him then open 'who's your daddy'
Jack-"WAPISH! Top of the mornin to tell laddies! My name is jacksepticeye here with someone new... She's my daughter Missprettylove!"
I laugh and wave to my camera
"We're gonna play WHOS YOUR DADDY?!"
Jack-"well for you... I AM!"
I laugh and click into the game
He does the same
Jack-"YASSS!" He runs up to the room
And stands in the doorway
I jump in the vent in the closet an go to the closet downstairs
He goes downstairs and looks for me
I run into the kitchen and grab the knife and run to the outlet
"Jack! I'll do it! Don't think I won't!"
I look into my camera and make funny faces
Jack-"Malorie stop" he says laughing
I stop and put the knife in the outlet anyway
I start laughing evilly as |baby wins|
We start a new round
I run up as he's talking and give him bleach and fruit
Bleach first
Then the fruit
Jack-"thank you momma dad" he does a childish voice
"Your welcome baby septiceye"
He runs past me and gets into the other cleaning supplies
I run to get the other fruit
I give it to him
Jack-"AWE COME ON! I was gonna die!"
"Well then" I grab him with the baby grabber and put him in the oven
I laugh
|dad wins| comes on the screen
I look at the recording time "Jack im at the time I usually end my videos..."
Both of us-"well if you enjoyed this
And I'll see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEOOOOOOO!"
I wave "see talk later!"
He ends the call
We both do the end clips
"Wow...I think I'm the boss at this game"
I laugh
I turn off the camera
Jack-"so that's my daughter...
Please no hate"
He smiles hopefully
He turns off the camera
We start editing
We end up posting at the same time
I look in my notifications
|jacksepticeye subscribed to you|
Soon there's thousands of new notifications on subscribers
I open Twitter
I see the same
"JACK!!!!" I yell from my chair with my hands over my face
He runs in
Jack-"What's wrong!"
I look up with a smile on my face and tears rolling down my face
Jack-"are you ok?"
I point to the screen
He looks at it
Jack-"that's fine. Wait you just beat my sub count!"
I look again then hug him
He hugs me tightly
"We what do you wanna do?"
Jack-"wanna play the wii? We don't have to record"
I smile and nod
We walk into the living room
I sit on the couch as he turns on the tv and wii system
He grabs the remotes and sit on the couch with me
He opens the cupboard in the coffee table and reveals a bunch of games in order by gaming system
I look at the wii games
"Mario party 8?"
He grabs it then goes and puts it in the wii then sits down next to me
I start the game
Jack-"you wanna invite Mark to play?"
I smile and nod
He calls mark on his phone
Jack-"hey Mark!"
He listens
Jack-"you wanna play Mario party 8?"
Waits for response
Jack puts mark on speaker
"Your on speaker Mark!"
I look at the screen as
|markiplier (pic)| shows on the screen

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