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Justin's POV

I got up and did my every day routine, but the only thing I could think about is Raegan. It was always Raegan. Raegan, Raegan, Raegan. Like he was the only thing that was on my mind constantly and I couldn't get him out. Like that one thought that you can't get out, just stuck there forever but I didn't really mind it cause he was cute and it wasn't really that bad of a thought.

Raegan's POV

I got up and got ready and I decided to text Justin.

Me- hey I'm ready just Text me when you are!
*ding ding*
😂JayJay😂- hey me too! Meet me outside.
Me- ok

I went downstairs quickly said a hello to my dad and I got my car keys and practically ran outside. I got out and Justin was already out here.

"Hey" he said. "Hiii, how's your morning" I said. How's your morning wow really slick there Rae got to make a make a man feel special with that. "Uhh. Good I guess! U" he said. "Same" I said and we headed to the car and got in.

A/N: sorry it's short but this was a filler chapter cause i forgot what I put in the last one but yeah here it is.

A/N: so I ended up getting really sick on the way home and had to go to the hospital a couple of times, but I'm fine I'm just on antibiotics. But guess what tomorrow I start school yaaay and if things could get worse I keep getting lost cause it's my first year here. So that will be fun. So I just wanted to write a little.

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