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Justin's POV

So we just got to school and me and Raegan are heading to class. We got to class as soon as the bell rang and took our seats. I'm sad because me and Raegan don't have the next class together.

Me and Raegan have gone our separate ways when I saw the school bully. I looked away so we don't make eye contact but that didn't work. "Hey tranny" he said. His friends came up to me and started kicking me they pushed me to the ground and took out a book and started beating my stomach with it. "S-ss-tooo-ppp!" I said barley managing to say it. Then the bell rang and they all got off me and went to class. I just payed there for 5 minutes then I got up got in my car and drove home.


I went upstairs knowing nobody would be home went in the bathroom got out my razor blade and on one arm and on the other. I quickly washed the blood hid the razor put on a hoodie and drove back to school so no one would know.

Hey so I updated. Yes I know it's been forever but here you go. I will try to update more. But here's one for now. Byeee!!!!

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