Pink skies

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The sky was pink when she found him crying alone in the abandoned park. His whole body shook as the sun rose. He made her curious, something about him just stood out. Maybe it was his appearance. His eyes were puffy and lines of snot decorated his sleeve. She waited until he finished crying before stepping into the clearing.

“Are...Are you okay?” The boy jerk upward at the sound of her voice, Hastily wiping his nose. She was holding a tissue and holy cow, did she looked like an Angel. He couldn't let her think he was a crybaby, his pride wouldn't allow it.

“I-I'm fine! I wasn't crying, I just got….sand in my eye!” The eight year old picked himself off the ground, wiping his hand before holding it out to her. “I'm Seokjin but you can call me Jin, what's your name?”

She gingerly shook the wet hand, “I'm Y/N and you can call me…” She giggled softly, “Well I don't have any nicknames.”

“Well your new nickname is Princess! ‘Cause I'm your prince, and now nobody else is allowed to call you that, okay?” Jin looked down at his sneakers, suddenly embarrassed that he claimed to be her prince.

“Come on, Prince~ let's play tag!” She softly tapped his shoulder before running off. Jin laughed and with that the two became best friends

Sky| K.SJWhere stories live. Discover now