jie Tao's log: Airbending class

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Last time the titans finally made it to the air temple and met abbot fu shi.


~°~°~°jie Tao's p.o.v°~°~°~

After I found out the firebender boy was the avatar I decided id travel with him.

Of course my parents said no. So ro bin and his friends wouldn't let me come. So I may have hidden in their supply pile on their saddle overnight.

After a few minutes I noticed we stopped. I assumed we were at the air temple.

After a few minutes of them talking to a old dude named abbot fu shi I finally decided to reveal myself.

Big dude: jie I told you since your parents said you couldn't come you had to stay home. yo......

Avatar ro bin: its to late cy. Jie Tao stay near cy so he can watch you, other wise beast over there will fly you back home.

Jie Tao: thank you avatar ro bin.

Abbot fu shi: avatar if you and your airbender friend would join me so I can show you your first teacher.

~°~°~°robins p.o.v°~°~°~

Me and star followed the abbot until we arrived at a huge area where multiple children sped around on balls made of air.

I was about to ask something when "meet chigau he will be teaching you basic airbending and a little more." said the abbot.

He pointed to a boy that was about six years old with the arrow tattoo's. Abbot fu shi "when ever an airbender masters airbending they get an arrow tattooed on their heads, arms, back, legs, and feet."

Robin: so our teacher is a six year old?


he kicked me in the knee and laughs.

~°~°~°~°15 minutes later°~°~°~°~

We were currently trying to befriend some of the flying bison that stay at the temple, because chigau said an air bender has to be able to friend one.

No matter how hard I try everytime I got near one they'd try to squash me with their tail.

Starfire on the other hand befriended them no problem. In fact she was practically lost in a sea of flying bison.

I get frustrated and thrust my fist down towards the ground, and fire shoots from my fist launching me upwards. The fire kept me in the air, but kept getting smaller until it stopped and I land on the ground.

Eventually we moved on to trying to make an air scooter as chigau called it.

After chigau explained how to do it i tried to create a ball of air for me to ride on several times but failed. That is until a breeze flew by carrying starfires sweet scent with it. I focused on the lovely scent and gathered the air containing it into a ball.

Chigau: now throw it on the ground and jump on it. And lean to steer!

I did and I can't believe how fun it was.

~°~°~°Time skip°~°~°~

We just now moved on to trying to friend flying lemurs but I can't do it unlike starfire who has most of them swarming her.

I sit down and groan in frustration. Chigau noticed "your anger and impatientness makes them flee from you. Calm yourself and wait. Only then shall you find what you seek." he actually sounded like an old master when he said that.

Five minutes later I still can't friend one. I know he said be patient and calm but I can't. Right then I feel something land on my head.

I look up to find an upside down baby flying bison's face looking at me. I hate these things.

Robin: hey get off I don't like your kind your parents always try to flatten me

It just tilts it head at me and makes a sound.

Robin: your cuteness won't work on me now go!

I pointed my finger in a direction. It just looks at me with those cute eyes and I sigh in defeat.

Robin: fine.....BUT don't get used to it.

I then start mumbling to myself about the stupid lemurs and annoying bison. Then I look at starfire. The setting suns light making her look like she's glowing. I just stare at the beautiful girl in front of me playing with the lemurs.

For a moment im lost in thought while everything around me dissapears except starfire. I feel my anger and frustration dissapears.

I just smile at the scene and smile. Im then snapped out of my trance when a baby lemur lands on my shoulder and seems to play with my hair.

I stare at it for a second and then blink twice. I jump up happily and grab the lemur smiling.

Chigau: nice job both of you.

Robin: um can you....

I point to my head and he nods.

Chigau: that's just ugshoo. hes an orphan baby bison no one likes hence his name ugh shoo. SHOOO UGSHOO GO NOW!!

He yelled and ugshoo made a sad sound and flew off. I kinda feel bad for him. I sigh and try to put the baby lemur down but it screamed and went crazy until I picked it back up.

Oh no....this thing thinks im its mom.....why me.....

~°~°~°Jie Tao's p.o.v°~°~°~

Im currently watching the big dude, I now know as cy, and the creepy girl in the hood and water tribe clothes trying to control their dragon who shrunk and escaped the saddle.

The dragon or "beast" as avatar ro bin called him can talk I freaked for a while but I've calmed down.


It was pointless talking to him he obviously couldn't hear since he was flying so fast.


She then trapped him in ice with only his head sticking out.

I don't regret sneaking off to watch avatar ro bin train today because these people are sssooo boring. I can't wait to just sleep.

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