Chapter 2

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Hey guys welcome back, sorry it took me a few days to start this next chapter, was busy doing theatre production stuff. Anyways...let's find out if this man is actually her father shall we.
Enjoy. :)
My heart was beating fast now. Then I heard another loud bang. I ran down from my tree house, around the fence into the woods on the other side.
The monsters were gone.
I looked near the cop car to see a man sitting by it with the shot gun in his hand, and a few feet in front of him was a man in a suit. The officer.

"Hey!" He looked my way.

"I...I need a little help, there's been a shooting !" He yelled again towards me.

I didn't know what to do, I don't even know if its my dad.
Suddenly I see something move from the corner of my eye.
It was one of the monsters! I ran back around the fence, into my yard, back up the tree house. I watched the man from up here.
He got up from the car and started to walk or should I say limp towards my house. A bunch of the monsters had come back and started to follow him.
I ducked down as I saw him fall just waiting to hear another blood curdling scream. But there was nothing. I looked up to see he made it, he's inside the fence! Thank god. I quickly searched threw my bag that I had packed up hear in the tree house from a while ago when my dad and I had played a jungle game, I grabbed my walkie talkie. I held it close to my chest as I went to the window. He was at the sliding glass door. He opened it! No I need to stop him. I stopped at the top of the ladder of the tree house and froze.
I was scared... No I was terrified.
Why isn't there a blood curdling scream? Did Mrs. Cass leave? Doesn't he see the body of Sandra?
I turned on my walkie talkie.

"Daddy?" I whispered into it.

A few minutes later I got a response.
I quickly moved to the window facing the house.

"Hello?" The man said back.

"Hi. Are you my dad?" 

"No" he responded sounding kinda upset. There was a pause for a moment.

"Where's your parents?" He asked sounding concerned.

"They took a trip to Savannah, they left me with Sandra." I said thinking back on what I saw earlier, I shivered.

"How old are you?"

"I'm eight." I answered.

I saw him in the window of the kitchen, where I saw Sandra take her last breath.

"Where are you?" He asked.

" I'm up in my tree house, do you see me?" I started waving " I see you" I said as putting my hand down.
He waved back.

"Yeah, I see you." I saw him smile.
Suddenly I saw another person in there... ITS A MONSTER!
I screamed into the walkie talkie while ducking down.
I looked up to see the man fall as the monster fell on top of him.
I started to breath heavily, I looked to my side to see a hammer. I grabbed it and looked at the ladder. I breathed in and ran down the ladder towards the house.
I flung open the sliding glass door.
The man and the monster where right there.

"HERE!" I said giving him the hammer.

He took it. He flipped the monster onto its back, lifted the hammer and crushed the monsters skull. The monster kept coming back but then he started to swing harder. The crushing of the skull was making me feel sick. But then it was over.
He got up out of breath.

"Hi there." He said breathless.

I looked down at the monster and saw that it was Sandra... Not by the face, but by the necklace she was wearing, the face was all beaten up and the eye was falling out. I wrapped my right hand around my left elbow.

" it dead?" I asked.

"I don't know, I think it was already dead before." He said.

"Oh..." I replied a bit scared and nervous.

" my names Lee." He said smiling kneeling down so he was at my level.

" names Clementine."

Hey guys, wow what a chapter right? We found out what the little girls name was and who the man was. Anyways what did you think? What will Clementine and Lee do next? Find out in the next chapter.

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