Chapter 3

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What up guys and girls? So I decided to do another chapter tonight. Let's get to it :p
"We have to get somewhere safe before it gets dark." He said standing up off of his knee.

"But... But what if my parents come back and I'm not here?" I asked him. He looked down at the ground looking a bit sad.

"Then we will look for them." He said putting his hand on my shoulder and smiling.

I smiled back to that idea.

"We just have to get out of the city, it isn't safe here." He said looking around the yard.

We started to walk out of the house. I turned around to take one last look at my home, my giant memory box, this is wear I first learned how to walk, talk, and ride a bicycle. This is where I drew my first picture, and had all my boo boos kissed by my mom.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to hold back tears. I slammed shut the glass door and walked with lee to the back gate.

We opened the gate and walked out to see two men working with a car.
They turned around to see us walking towards them, they started to get scared.

"Back off!" One of the men yelled in a threatening tone holding a gun.

"Wow hey it's okay." Lee said pushing me behind his back.

"Sorry man, I thought you where one of those...those things." He said relaxing putting his gun away.

The man talking was very skinny and had brown hair, he looked like a farmer with the clothes he was wearing. His friend working on the car had a bit more weight to him.

"We're trying to get all these cars out of the way so we can push our truck out." Said the skinny man.

"Well we can help." Offered Lee.

"That would be great, oh my name is Shawn by the way and this is my friend Chet." Shawn said pointing to Chet as Chet rose his hand.

" names Lee" lee shook hands with Shawn.

"And I take it this is your daughter?" Shawn asked kneeling Down towards me.

"Naw I'm just...a stranger." Lee said honestly.

Shawn stood up and gave Lee a nasty look.
I went beside Lee and held his hand. Shawn looked down at me and smiled then turned back to the car.

"Well are you guys helping or not?" Shawn asked.

Lee started to walk over to help, just when we heard moaning sounds. I looked to my right to see a bunch of monsters coming towards us through the line of cars.

"Shit!" Yelled Chet.

Lee started to help push the car, the monsters started getting closer. I just stared and watched as they got closer and closer.


I couldn't keep my eyes off them. The moans got louder as they got closer.


My heart is beating faster and faster... Am I going to die? Will I ever get to see my parents again? I can't feel my feet, my face is so numb. I felt sick and warm. I also feel a bit lightheaded.


I heard Lee yell my name, I started walking towards him when he ran up to me and picked me up, put me in the truck, he got in, slammed the door and we left. I turned around to look threw the back window and watched as the monsters slowly disappear, same with my house. I felt my heart drop. As the old wooden blue house went away.

"Good bye." I whispered to myself.
What did you all think? Sorry this chapter was short but I gotta get some sleep. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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