New Beginnings

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      The summer before ninth grade went by quickly, but the hours passed so slowly. Elliott wasn't entirely astonished though. Every summer had been this way. He had no reason to believe this year would be any different. It was different in some ways though. To his surprise, Piper let him off of Elliott's grounding a lot earlier than he'd thought she would. He spent the summer months occasionally taking the bus to the YMCA pool to meet up with Summer, who usually, unfortunately, brought Jax along. Elliott was also able to spend some days at the library browsing books, writing a short story or two, maybe even listening in on the children's story time with the librarians. It wasn't all so bad, but although he had good moments, most of his summer was spent running errands and doing chores for Piper. 

     As August came to an end, Piper began to fuss over her grandson. About school supplies, grades, starting high school, staying away from "troublesome classmates." Most Augusts were spent listening to Piper drone on about getting good grades, and staying safe. But this year was different, this year Elliott actually listened to what his grandmother was saying. He knew she was nervous for him, but this year Elliott was nervous for himself too. He had heard all the stories and read all the books about how terrible high school was. And unfortunately, Jax and Summer would be attending the same school as him. 

 (In NYC, you have to apply to middle and high schools, so you usually don't end up with your friends from past years.)

     Elliott tuned back into Piper's speech;

      ".....and you have to make sure you pay attention in class. Your teacher will be moving very quickly, she won't stop and wait for you to finish taking notes. You must learn to write quickly, and listen well or you'll never make it into a good college. Do you understand Elliott?"

     "Hmm... Oh- yes ma'am!" Elliott jolted from his daydream.

     "This is what I'm talking about young man! You doze off in the middle of a conversation, you have to learn to pay attention or you'll never get anywhere!" Elliot groaned internally. It wasn't as if he never paid attention to anything. He didn't know why his grandmother always lectured him about this. He had always had good grades, and sure sometimes he dozed off bit in class, but that was because, (a, the curriculum they were taught in school was repetitive, so he learned things he already knew, and, (b, Elliott stayed up late at night doing the homework his teachers had assigned. His grades had always been A's and B's. He didn't understand why Piper scolded him every year.

     The last week of summer was mostly the same as the past months, but Elliott tried his best to make the most out of his last days of freedom. He hung out at Summer's house more than ever, well to the extent that Piper would let him. Over the months, he and Summer had grown close. They had been able to become good friends without Jax around. They began to talk about high school. It was an exciting time for them. They were transitioning into a new world, with new people and especially new schoolwork.

     "Christ, Elliot, I don't think I'm ready for high school." Summer was laying upside-down facing Elliott off her bed. Elliott sat on her sky-blue rug in the middle of her bedroom, the AC blowing on his red hair, making it frizz the slightest bit.

     "Oh trust me neither am I... But, I am excited though. I really want to meet some new people." Elliott responded. 

     "Me too. I'm sick of being single." 

     "I think we're a bit young to be dating." Summer scoffed at her friends comment;

     "First of all, I'm like 6 months older than you," Elliott rolled his eyes, " and secondly, that is all Piper talking. It's all that old school shit she's been shoving up your ass." 

     Elliott gave a half smile, "Maybe you're right-"

     "I'm always right."

     "Maybe I'm just not ready for anything like that." 

     "It takes time I guess. I know I just don't like being so alone. I mean, obviously, I have you and Jax and some other people I can talk to, but I want someone whose hand I can hold, someone who will cuddle me in the winter and watch a cheesy movie." Summer said.

     "That sounds nice I guess," Elliot replied, "Is there anyone you like in particular?"

     "Well, you remember that kid AJ Martinez who showed up at school like 5 weeks before school ended?" 

     "Oh- yeah I-I think so."

     "I actually started talking to him. He's really cool. You know he's coming to our school right?" 

     "Really?" Elliott perked up a bit.

     "Yeah he's starting in the second week though 'cause he's been in Nicaragua all summer. "

     "That's cool! So you're sure he's going to Brooklyn Tech?"

     "Yeah, AJ told me himself. He's a really cool person you know. I should introduce you when school starts! He can join our squad." Summer giggled. 

     "Yeah, maybe." Elliott smiled, " I just hope this year can be kind of a new beginning. I don't want it to be anything like junior high."

     "Just wait, it's going to be amazing." Summer replied. 

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