And the world stopped in its tracks.

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Part 1

Elliot sat quietly, hands folded, on the sofa next to Piper. Piper sat scowling, her leg propped up on a small table in front of her. Her black dress draped over the stiff, white brace, that wrapped her eternally injured leg.

"Would you like more tea, Piper?" The pale boy asked sheepishly.
"Yes young man, pour it here." She held out a chipped green mug
"How does your leg feel?"
"Better." Piper sighed.
In the midst of all the stuffy awkwardness, an old tv was switched onto the 7 o'clock news.
"Today the Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex couples will have the right of legal marriage. Here are hundreds of happy couples, flocking to elope."
"Disgusting",The old woman growled, "those faggots are going to burn in hell." Piper did not approve of "such nonsense".
Elliott sat back down and looked on at the television. It was really one of the only luxuries he and Piper had. Their home was decorated by the old woman and payed for by her tax pension, from the city. The walls were white, there was a portrait of Jesus in every room. The furniture was simple. So, as you might imagine, they only had a tv and a computer, both outdated, along with Piper's ideals and morals.
Elliott didn't know much about homosexuality, or sexuality in general. He was told that boys were meant love girls and that's the way it was. But if that was so, than why did a man love another man? Why did a woman love another woman? Elliott didn't think about it much, but the news segment had put it in his mind.
"Beep deep! Beep deep!" Elliot's wristwatch alarm went off and he forgot about the news. It was 7:30. Time to get going to school. He stood up.
"Piper I have to go to school now."
"Alright. I'll be here. I expect you home by 5:00 sharp. Not a second later."
"Yes ma'am." Elliott turned and sped out the door, rejoicing to be outside, on a sunny day too, where he was free of that stuffy, strict old grandmother of his. Elliott grinned and made his way to school.

        Ah, eighth graders. The highest level of middle schoolers. Though some of them have possibly the lowest class.
      "HEY! It's Elliott!!" Jaxon called out as he saw Elliott approaching the school yard. Elliott smiled and waved back at his friend, Jaxon. Jack promptly greeted Elliott with a thorough punch in the arm and a cackle.
It should be noted that Jaxon, was an asshole to Elliott. It should also be noted, that Elliott, didn't bother to stand up for himself because;
1) he was shy.
2) it was better than being home with Piper.
     So Jaxon was one of Elliott's only friends.
"Hey Elliott!" Summer grinned. Summer was not an asshole. But she was kind of an idiot. So she just laughed along when Jaxon handed out punches. What a wonderful bunch,eh?
The bell rang. On the way inside, past the herds of kids on their way to class, Elliott heard news that a new student was arriving today.
"I heard it's a girl who used to be homeschooled..."
"Well I heard they're from Costa Rica..."
  Boringly, the student ended up being a boy who moved to Kingston Heights from the neighboring town. In fact, he ended up being in Elliott's homeroom.
Elliott waved goodbye to his "friends" and took his seat next to the window in Mr. Drebitz's classroom.
With a book in hand he looked outside. The sun was shining, autumn was nearing, although the the trees were still green, it was chilly outside.
Elliott noticed some kids going to the window excitedly.
"That's him! That him!"
"Wow he's cute."
"He's a lot more normal looking than I thought he'd be."
Outside was a blue minivan pulling up to the building. The new kid on the block was late to school.
He hopped out of the car.
And that was the moment the whole planet stopped in its tracks.
       There he was, waving goodbye to his mom, looking at the school, taking it all in. He ran a freckled hand through his dark hair. Like his hand, his face was littered with little puddles of melanin, the sun bounced off his light brown cheeks as if to make a halo around his head.
     Girls stopped to look at him, squealing in their cliques.
    He wore a sweater over his school uniform, making it more casual, and cool. Boys already ran up to the new student to greet him. He was gorgeous. The school already loved him.
Elliott, however, turned back to his book. He was good looking. Okay? Why did that make him so popular the second he stepped foot into the school grounds? It almost baffled him. But he forgot about the gorgeous new kid for a while.
Until Advanced English
"Alright everyone settle down!" Called Mrs. Ramone.
Everyone did not settle down.
Everyone settled down. Next to Mrs. Ramone was The New Student.
"Class, this is our new student, AJ Martinez. He's moved here from Leighton. Isn't that right, AJ?
AJ smiled, "Ah, yeah! My mom got a new job at the Kingston Heights Hospital, as a nurse."
A girl in the back sighed as her ovaries exploded.
Elliott took a good look at AJ.
He had blue eyes. But not too blue. Maybe a blue-gray you could call them. And his hair was perfectly cut. He was tall. His freckles gave him a distinct look about him. Like he was always happy, even in a resting face. (Elliott had chronic resting bitch face.)
AJ took his seat. 3 seats diagonally away from Elliot. Not that it mattered!
"Wow," Thought Elliott, "he's pretty and smart." Which admittedly, is kind of rare.
The day went on. AJ was in a few of Elliott's classes. In each one, the teacher re-introduced AJ to the class. Each time, Elliott took the chance to stare at the new kid, without seeming creepy.
The bell rang announcing the end of the school day. Herds of students flooded the halls.
Elliot really didn't want to return home. It wasn't 5:00 yet, so his other option was hang out with Jaxon and Summer. That was.... not the best choice either, but it was better than massaging an old woman's foot, right?
The three met at a pizza place down the street.
"Hey Elliott did you see the new kid today?" Summer poked his arm. Elliott nodded, and took a bite from his baked ziti pizza. (That's good stuff)
"Wasn't he sooo cute?" Elliot nodded again.
"Did you just say he's cute, Eddiott?" Jax cackled.
"Don't tell me you're a fag, Eddiott. I mean it would be no wonder since you're so damn prissy." He cackled again.
Like it was mentioned before, Jaxon treated Elliott like shit. And Elliott, being the shy, quiet kid he was, didn't stand up to Jax.
Elliott shook his head no. He looked down and ate his pizza.
He wasn't gay. He was just stating a fact, AJ was good looking. It was no big deal....

5:00 came and went. After 10 minutes, Elliott realized, he was late! Piper needed her pills.
Jaxon was at a pinball machine, and Summer was on her phone. Elliott didn't bother to say goodbye.

"You're late." Piper looked up from a book, scowling.
"I know and I'm sorry Piper, I-"
"No. Young man I told you to be home by 5:00. But you came home late.
"Now your curfew will be to be home as soon as school ends. You are grounded." Piper turned back to her book, still frowning intensely.
"But..." Elliot didn't bother. He knew he couldn't fight his old grandmother. He made his way upstairs to his room.
Elliott's room was just as plain as the rest of the house. White walls, simple, brown furniture. No real color. Elliott would try to liven it up, sometimes he'd place a flower in a cup of  water on his bedside table. But by the time he was home from school, he'd find it gone.
Now laying on his bed, the only color were his his fiery orange hair, and his pink cheeks as he thought about his day. He well specifically AJ. But then he thought about what Jaxon had said and stopped himself.
His face still pink, Elliott picked up his book to distract himself.
"I'm not prissy." He whispered.

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