Brooklyn Tech

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     Brooklyn Technical High School in Brooklyn, Ny, is quite an esteemed school. It specializes in the education of mathematics, science, computer technology, and the liberal arts to its students. It works in cooperation with Bronx Science High School and others such as this. It is considered one of the best schools in Brooklyn. Elliott Sherwin, is proudly one of the young students to be accepted to Brooklyn Tech. 

     Elliott made his way down the stairs. It was September 8th, the first day of freshman year. The first day, first hours of homework, nagging, and headaches. Elliott had a bit of hope though. He hoped he could shake off Jax this year, and maybe find someone to hold hands with, as Summer had said. But he mostly wanted to just get through the year without having a mental breakdown. And- he had done it all these other years, so hopefully he could do it this year too. 

     "Elliott, come downstairs, breakfast is ready!" Piper called from the kitchen. Most mornings Piper prepared a hearty meal of eggs and toast for herself and Elliott, today however it was oatmeal and fruit. Elliott arrived in the kitchen and was a bit stunned when he saw the new breakfast. He sat down at the wooden dining table, at his spot across the way from Piper. 

     "You look shocked," Piper remarked,"I thought we might have something a bit special for your first day of high school." Her voice was stern, but a bit less harsh than usual, although her expression was stiff and stone as ever. Elliott thought she might be trying to be kind to him for once. 

     "Thank you, Piper," He replied quietly," I really appreciate this."

     "Yes, well, finish up, you'll be late if you don't catch the right bus."

     Elliott ate his meal, and cleaned up. He made sure to say a respectful goodbye to Piper before he grabbed his things and headed out the door and down the block to the bus stop. 

     When he arrived he found Summer, Jax and a few other people there waiting at the stop. He sat down next to Summer on the plastic bench. 

     "Hey Elliott!" Summer greeted him with a hug. Jax looked over and gave a nod and a half smile in Elliott's direction. It sent a few chills down his back. Jax had spent the summer teasing him, calling him a fag, one time even following him home, kicking him in the calves, saying terrible things to him. When they arrived to Elliott's house, Piper had been sitting on the stoop, reading a book. Jax decided to give up his act and hug Elliott, as if they were buddies. That day Elliott knew Jax was never really his friend. But, what was he to do about it? Jax was a good student, and he came from a fairly good family. Elliott didn't even know Jax's parents well enough to tell them their son was an asshole. He supposed as long as Jax wasn't physically hurting him, he would just deal with it. 

     The bus arrived, Elliott looked to Summer and smiled. They waited for other passengers to come off, and some older women to get on, before they found a seat to sit together. Elliott sat at the window seat, and Summer at the aisle. Jax sat in the seat across the way from them, he pulled out his phone and began to play a game or tweet something stupid, who would ever know?

     "Hey Elliott, you okay? You look a little pale." Summer looked over to her friend, a bit concerned.

     "Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just a bit nervous I guess."

     "Okay then... well, do you have your schedule? I wanna see if we have any classes together."

     Elliott nodded and dug into his backpack to pull out a folded yellow paper with all his classes and teachers. He passed it to Summer who unfolded it and took a minute to look over Elliott's classes to see if they had any matches. 

     "Let's see... Looks like we have English Honors 3rd period, Math 6th and, Gym B 9th. Oh! AJ told me he has English with us 3rd, and looks like the two of you have... Biology 5th period! This is great! I can introduce him to you 3rd, and you guys can talk during 5th. Oh this is gonna be such a good year!"

     After about twenty minutes on the bus of Summer rambling about boys she thought were cute, friends she couldn't wait to see, and new ones she couldn't wait to make, their stop finally arrived. It was about two blocks from the actual school building but it was actually quite convenient considering most students had to take two hour train rides to get to school.

     Elliott, Summer and Jax stepped off the bus, made sure they had all their things, phone, keys, wallet, student I.Ds, and they made their way to the school. As they went, Jax walked along beside Elliott. Trying to ignore him, Elliott started up conversation with Summer. 

     "So... Summer ah, who are you maybe looking forward to seeing? I know there's a lot of people from elementary coming here, right?"

     "Oh yeah!" Summer exclaimed. "You remember Ryan Osoria? He was always so funny! I miss him, I know he got in here because he has, like, a really good average in science, so he sort of got a scholarship from that." 

     "That guy is a gay ass fag," Jax remarked, "He always has been."

     "No he's not Jax, you stupid ass. He told me he's straight. God, you're so stupid sometimes." Summer said with a giggle. She never took Jax seriously, or really addressed the problematic things he said. 

     "Well, speaking of fags-" Jax looked over to Elliott with a punch to the shoulder but didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as they had arrived to the school building. 

     Brooklyn Tech was (and still is) a huge establishment. Hundreds of students flowed in and out everyday. When the group arrived, there were swarms of people standing outside waiting for the first bell to ring for homeroom. Elliott and Summer decided to go inside and get situated, Jax stayed outside to greet some friends. 

     Elliott and Summer were escorted into a line for the security check. It was a simple metal detector, and a check of backpacks and students I.D. This was customary at most NYC schools. Safety is very important, but once in a while someone sneaks in a razor blade and a fight breaks out, so most schools have security guards around the school, and checks at the front entrance. 

     After the pair went through the process, they went to find their lockers and homerooms. along the way Summer waved hello and smiled at many people they passed. Elliott knew a few classmates from years past that had made it into Brooklyn Tech, but not many. Elliott had never really been too social. Over the years he'd been quiet, and seen how kids in his classes treated each other. He'd decided he just wanted a few good friends rather than a gaggle of people he barely knew follow him around. Not that that would ever really happen either way, he had never been too popular.

     "AJ!" Summer called waving her arm high in the air, "AJ, over here!!" AJ Martinez made his way through the crowd and over to Summer and Elliott. Summer grinned and hugged AJ like they were old friends. Then again, she treated everyone like that. 

     "Elliott this is AJ, the new kid from last year. And, AJ, this is my best friend Elliott. i told you about him right?" 

     AJ smiled and stretched his hand to shake Elliott's. "Yeah I think you have once or twice. Hey Elliott, it's nice to meet you."

     Elliott hesitated a moment before extending his hand as well with a shy smile, "It's nice to meet you AJ."

     The bell for homeroom rang, the students cleared out of the hallway, and the group sectioned off into their respective classrooms. AJ also happened to be in the same homeroom as Elliott, but so did Jax. As they entered he pushed Elliott out of his way to get a good spot on the seating chart. Elliott regrouped himself with a sigh and found an empty desk. AJ entered and gave a friendly wave to Elliott. Elliott returned it with a smile. In that moment he began to remember how seeing AJ for the first time last year made him feel. He'd forgotten AJ's perfectly combed hair and small, but noticeable freckles, and how they were a bit darker on his nose. He'd forgotten how AJ always wore a grey sweater over his school uniform, how casual and cool it made him look. Looking at AJ made Elliott's face hot, and he didn't know why. Maybe he had a fever? No, that couldn't be it. 

     Elliott caught himself staring. He looked away before anyone noticed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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