Chapter 21

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Should I give the chapter names? Idk, let me know!
Oh, and I forgot to mention in the last chapter. A big thanks to @-_Karkat_Vantas_- for me actually getting these out today. Go follow them, they're really sweet and deserve love!

Your P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning with the movie still playing in the background. Someone was in the kitchen, moving around and making something. Looking around you decided it must be Porrim, seeing as she was the only one not in the living room. You pried yourself from Eridan' s grip and walked out there quietly. You stood in the doorway and watched as she made coffee. She turned around and saw you, jumping slightly "Hey, y/n. Sleep go+o+d?" She asked, smiling. You nodded and walked into the room
"Yeah, how did you sleep?." She just shrugged in response "Anyway, what do you have planned for packing today?" You knew she had something planned, she always does
"Well, I was thinking that Kanaya and I co+uld help yo+u pack, and Cro+nus co+uld help Eridan." You nodded, grabbing a cup of coffee for yourself. You guys just sat in the kitchen and talked until more people got up, where Kanaya began to make (favorite breakfast). You and Porrim walking into your room where she began to go through your clothes while you found the suitcase you had somewhere. She began to create two piles of clothes. Yes and No, you assumed. After about 15ish minutes Rose came up and told you breakfast was ready. You went downstairs to see everyone sitting in the living room (stressing.. sorry). You walked into the kitchen to get your own food and sat next to Eridan as you watched whatever they had turned on. After eating Cronus went with Eridan to the spare room, where his clothes were, and everyone else went upstairs with you. Rose helped you look for the alusive suitcase and Porrim and Kanaya continued looking through your clothes. You finally found the suitcase and you put it on the bed, opened. You went into the bathroom and grabbed everything you needed for the trip. When you came back nearly a quarter of your woredrobe was in the suitcase, and they were still deciding on more outfits to put in there. You smiled and sat down on the bed.
"So, which of these outfits am I wearing to the play?" You thoughtfully thumbed through the clothing in your suitcase.
"Oh, That Is The Outfit I Made For You. I Thought It Would Look Nice For That Special Event." You nodded, finding it a good idea. The rest of the day was spent going through everything you owned, they even let you pick out a couple outfits. You got done around 6ish and walked downstairs to find Eridan and Cronus watching a movie, it was almost over. Eridan saw you and walked over to you
"Hey, y/n, get evveryfin packed?" He smiled at you as you nodded, sure you would find something ten minutes before you left anyway. While you were talking the others were talking and Cronus piped up
"Hey, you guys up for going out to eat?" You nodded and everyone went outside. You decided on somewhere close and decided to walk. You finally got there and everyone sat down. You ordered and just talked. It was nice to just hang out like this, you really were going to miss them while you were gone. As you were lost in thought everyone's food came and they went quiet as everyone ate. You smiled to yourself as you ate. After everyone was done you all went your separate ways. You calapsed into the couch when you got home, Eridan sat sat next to you and you watched tv until you both fell asleep.

How did this trash take me 45 mins to write? Idk, I hope you all like my crappy writing. Also, listening to Hamilton on shuffle while writing this was a bad idea and just an overall rollercoaster. Goodnight/Morning my children

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