Chapter 1: The Littleizer 3000

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"You'll never be big again!"  Robbie shouted in fury.  "The Littlizer will self-destruct in 10 seconds!" 

"10 seconds is all I need!"  10 year old Sportacus knew he could get past Robbie before 10 seconds were up.

"We'll see about that."  Robbie sets the self-destruct timer but what Sportacus didn't know is that it was really set to 5 seconds.  Time Ticks.

Sportacus looks around the room for some help.  He Picks up the first thing he sees, eyeing Robbie.

"Catch!" Yells Sportacus, then he throw the object at Robbie.  The perfect distraction.  once Sportacus gets past him and to the Littlizer it started to smoke. Sportacus quickly tries to turn it on but before he could the Littlizer 3000 explodes.  Sportacus is thrown in the air landing in the big orange chair.

"SPORTACUS!" Yelled the kids as they watched the screen of the hovercraft they were seeing it all on being covered with smoke.

Once the smoke was gone everyone could see Sportacus again...  He was still a kid.

"What?" Young Sportacus asked himself.  Suddenly more smoke cleared up, Robbie's face was right in front of his, and he was laughing.

"See? I told you that you will never be big again, and now all of LazyTown will be stuck with another little brat and no hero to save anyone!" Robbie danced in Victory as Little Sportacus slid down in his char.  His eyes beginning to water.  As Robbie danced he hears a whimper coming from the blue boy trying to hold in his tears.   Robbie grabs Sportacus by the arm to throw him out of his underground lair.

"And stay out!"  Robbie yells.

Sportacus is throw onto the ground hard.   Everyone gathers around staring at him in shock... Their own super hero, the one who can do anything, couldn't even get himself back to his real age, but the only childish thing Sportacus could do was cry.  Even with everyone around. 

"No, this can't be, we were so close!"   Stephanie thought to herself as she slowly walked up to the crying Sportacus.

"S-Sportacus?" Was all Stephanie could say as she sat down next to him.  This was the first time she had ever heard him cry.  Tears began to run down her cheeks as she tried her best to comfort her best friend.  But all she could think to do was to hug him until he stopped crying, and she did.

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