Chapter 2: New Costume

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As the days past Sportacus was still a little upset that he couldn’t turn himself back into his real age, but he also knew that something like this doesn’t happen every day, so he decided to make the best of it.

As Sportacus flipped down the street he saw Stephanie writing in her diary, Sportacus blushed.  Why was he blushing?  He suddenly felt a weird warm feeling come inside him.  What is this?  Confused he decided to ignore it.  For some weird reason he has been feeling something strange every time he saw Stephanie.  He kind of liked that feeling.

Sportacus ran over to her. 

“Hi Stephanie!”  Stephanie stopped writing in her diary. 

“Hi!”  She said excitedly, “I was just about to go find the others, I promised them I would show them my new dance moves.  Would you like to come with me?” 

“Of course!”  The two friends ran off together when suddenly a loud voice called out to them.

“SPORTACUS!  Sportacus slow down!”  It was Miss Busybody.  Sportacus stopped, telling Stephanie to go on without him and went back to Miss Busybody.

“I’m sorry Mis-”  Sportacus began but he was cut off by Bessie.

“Why on earth were you going so fast!?  Just because you’re a child again doesn’t mean you can go like that, I saw you doing all those flips earlier!  What if you got hurt?”  Bessie asked in a worried voice.

“Don’t worry mis-”  Bessie cut him off again.

“But Sportacus, still, why were you going so fast?  You have to be careful!”  She gasped,  “Sportacus what are you wearing?” 

Confused Sportacus looked down at his same old blue costume.  Sure now it was a little baggy but that was okay, right?  Bessie grabs Sportacus by the arm.  “Come on, we have to find you some new clothes.”  Sportacus was shocked.

“Wait!  Miss Busybody, I don’t want any new clothes.  I like these ones.” 

Bessie sighed.  “Alright, fine. But at least let me mend them.  These clothes are far too big for a little boy!”  She grabbed Sportacus’s arm again leading him to her house.  Sportacus looked back at the other kids who were all dancing and having a good time.   He caught Stephanie’s eye and shrugged as he was being pulled away.  Her face grew sad, she nodded. Showing she understood.    Sportacus waved goodbye, when he looked back he sighed.

The rest of his afternoon was spent with Miss Busybody.  As she measured and lectured him about being careful and wearing the right size of clothes.  When they were finally done it was 7:00 at night.  Bessie really liked to talk. 

“Oh Sportacus, look how cute you are!”  His costume wasn’t much different.  Except for now he had on blue shorts that went to his knees and instead of his boots Bessie was able to persuade him into trading them out for sneakers.  He sighed; at least they were the same color.  His top was exactly the same, just much smaller.  He was very happy that he was able to keep his hat though.  His hat was his favorite part. 

“Thank you Miss Busybody.”  He smiled, the costume was nice.  It would just take some time to get use to. 

“You’re very welcome Sportacus.  Now, go run along.  It’s getting late you know.”

“Goodbye Bessie!”  and he ran off.  He can’t remember the last time he stayed inside that long.  He was craving to go out and be active.  Even though it was dark he ran over to the sports park.  Half hoping the kids would still be out playing.  Sadly they were not.  They had all went inside to get ready for bed. 

For a little while he played basket ball.  Doing all kinds of flips and tricks to make the baskets.  He was having a great time when suddenly he heard something that made him stop.  He turned around.  It was Stephanie. 

“Hay, Sportacus.”  She was in her nightgown. 

“Hi!”  Sportacus was very excited to see her.  “What are you doing up?” 

“I saw you playing through the window.”  She explained.  “I wanted to see you.”  

Sportacus beamed. 

“I like your costume!”  She said excitedly.  Sportacus blushed as he stuttered a shy Thank you.  He really liked her.  Even more than he use to now that he was a kid.  What was this feeling?

For the next 30 minutes they played an amazing game.  After both desiding that they should go to bed they waved goodbye to each other.  As Sportacus climbed up the latter to his airship he smiled to himself.  Thinking about Stephanie for the rest of the night.

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