Chapter 3: A Little Crush

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As the days went on Sportacus began to feel the strange feeling inside himself more and more often.  He tried everything he could, but no matter what he did he couldn’t stop himself from feeling it around Stephanie.  Whenever he saw her he couldn’t help but smile.  All he wanted to do was be with her.  Speaking of witch…

Sportacus began to blush as he saw Stephanie playing Soccer at the sports park.  Why does it feel weird being around Stephanie now that I’m a kid?  Sportacus thought to himself.  But he knew he didn’t have the answer.  He tried to act like nothing had changed yet he couldn’t…

Stephanie still hadn’t noticed that Sportacus was around.  So he hid behind the small wall that  surrounded the park.  Even though he wanted to be around her all the time he couldn’t help but feel bashful. 

“Maybe I should ask someone why I am feeling like this around her…”  Sportacs said to himself then he went off to see if someone could help him out with this funny feeling.

Meanwhile Mayor Meanswell was working on his garden until he saw a flipping and jumping blue boy, no other then Sportacus.

“Mayor!”  He called out when he noticed him. 

“What is it Sportacus?” 

“Can I ask you something?”  Sportacus ran up to him.

“Why of course Sportacus.”

Sportacus explained to Mayor Meanswell the funny feelings he has been feeling around Stephanie.

“But I have no idea what it could be…”  Sportacus look at the ground and kicked his feet.

 The Mayor smiled.  “ do you have a crush my niece?”  Mayor Measwell asked the young super hero.  As he waited for him to answer, Sportacus just looked at him with eyes full of shame.  Now he understood.

“I’m sorry Mayor, I won’t see her anymore if you don’t want me to-“ the Mayor cut him off.  “Now why would I want you to do that?  You and Stephanie have been really close ever since the day she arrived here in LazyTown.  Every day she comes home telling me about all the fun things you two did together.  Why throw away such a great friendship? It’s okay to have a crush Sportacus.  Besides, I know how you feel.”  He leans in close to whisper, “Don’t tell anyone this, but between you and me I have a crush on Miss Busybody.”  The Mayor blushed as he heard what he said.  Sportacus was about to say he already knew he liked her when suddenly a very loud voice cried out:  "Milford!"  It was none other than Miss Busybody herself.   “Coming Miss Busybody, coming right away!  Goodbye Sportacus!” and then, he was off.  Now alone, Sportacus began to think very hard about what the Mayor told him.  He couldn’t get one thing out of his mind. 

“I have a crush on Stephanie.”  He whispered to himself with a smile.  But what Sportacus didn’t realize was that someone from the shadows (or an evil lair) was listening, Robbie Rotten. 

“So…. Little Sportakook has a crush on that pink cheerleader, huh?"  Robbie said to himself.  He dramatically imitated the blue boy.  Spiting in disgust then continues to look through his periscope. 

"Hey Sportacus!"  Calls a cheerful voice.  "Do you want to play soccer with us?"  Sportacus snaps out of his haze turning to see who it is.  It's Stephanie.  He blushes, yet smiles brightly. 

"Sure!  I love Soccer!"  The two friends head off to the field while Robbie watches the children intently. 


Stephanie and her friends looked up from their game, hearing the responding yelp from the Mayor and his rushed reply, "On my way Miss Busybody!"

"I don't get why he does so much for her," Trixie commented, holding the soccer ball still.  Sportacus  shrugged.

"He likes her a lot,"  Sportacus  quickly covers his mouth, realizing what he just said.  Ever since he had been turned back to a kid it's been a lot harder to keep secrets. 

"I knew it!"  Stephanie cried out happily.  "It all makes sense now.  Adults do anything for the other person they're in love with."

"That sounds like a gross girly book,"  Stingy made a face.

"Maybe," the pink haired girl said.  "But that's how it is.  My uncle would do anything for Miss Busybody!"

"Just because he loves her?  That's so weird!"  Trixie added.

Meanwhile Robbie tore himself away from his periscope.  He stared pacing.

"People do anything for the person they love?...  He muttered to himself, thinking.  He tapped the side of his head.  "Anything...  anything..."  A light bulb went off.

"I'M A GENIUS!"  He laughed, throwing his hands up in the air in self-celebration.  "That's a perfect plan!  If I capture that pink girl Sportaflop will do whatever I say to get her back!  I'll make him leave LazyTown FOREVER!"  He laughed an evil laugh, sitting down in his orange chair.   He smiled wickedly and settled in to further form his master plan.

Later that day Sportacus gave the kids an armful of Sports Candy, smiling brightly at them as they munched away at it.

"Thanks Sportacus!"  Ziggy said, biting into a banana. 

"No problem!"  He responded.  The kids all chattered happily amongst themselves, when suddenly Sportacus noticed a certain someone sulking around behind a wall.  He tilted his head curiously and flipped over, leaping nimbly onto the wall and perching there. 


Robbie yelped and flailed his arms briefly covering his head.  After a moment he peeked out and saw the sports elf looking down from the wall at him curiously, he flashed an annoyed smile.

"Hi Sportabrat."

Sportacus blinked, throw off a little by the new name Robbie gave him.  He let it roll off.

"What are you doing over here?"  He asked innocently.  Robbie fidgeted; he couldn't grab Pinky if Sportadoof was in the way. 

 "Oh, nothing," Robbie said dishonestly.  "Just... out on a walk... thought I'd get some fresh air..."  Sportacus beamed at him.

"That's great!  Fresh air is good for you!"

Robbie frowned.  Don't remind me you blue freak!  But "Y-yeah..."  was all he could say.

Sporacus was still beaming at him, he flipped off the wall to land right in front of Robbie.

"Well, if you want to, me and the other kids are having a snack break," he offered.  "Would you like any Sports Candy?"

Robbie lost his patience.  He’d have to grab the pink girl another way.  "Get lost Sportaloon!"  He pushes Sportacus out of the way, causing him to land on the ground hard. 

"Ow!"  Robbie has never been able to push Sportacus over before.  As Sportacus gets up Robbie is already gone.  He looks down at his skinny arms, missing his muscles.  Now that he's a kid, he's lost some strength.  He frowned slightly.

"Sportacus!"  One of the kids yelled, getting his attention again.  He rejoined play, a smile automatically coming to his face.

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