Im back

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Yeah that's right
I started writing in Portuguese because I was there on holiday
My first book was about love but it was written in Portuguese
But now that I'm back to South Africa
Im going to start righting in English
Maybe I'll right in Portuguese
I'm going to talk about my ex crush
That once was girlfriend
From what I heard
She's sad with her old/new boyfriend
Old because they broke up one time
Then she started dating me
Then she inveterado stories such as saying
Her parents saw her chats and that if she continued dating me her parents would never let me talk to her again and take away her phone
Guess what
She invented all that
Just to start dating with her boyfriend again
And then she says
That it was me that was moving faster
When she was the one that asked my friend that she was waiting for me to ask her to be my girlfriend
And she says she'd never loved someone so much as her boyfriend from now
But she said those things to me too
And the thing is
Now she's crying and saying
That she has no one that can helper
Before she started dating her boyfriend again
I was the one helping har out
Even after they started dating
And he blocked her
She came to me ask for help
And when she solved things out with her boyfriend
She stoped answering me
Meaning she just cares about me
When she's sad
And when everything is ok
Im just a random person
It's true
When I was with her I felt she would never leave me
And I could love again
And she said the same
Looks like
She was just kidding
She even said she tried to love
And that I was moving to fast
When she was trying
Telling me she loves me and misses me
Asking me to ask her to be my girlfriend and to ask me to kiss her
Im the one moving fast
And you sure you don't have anyone to help when I was there when you needed
And now you need me
And you just forget me
Well that's her fault anyway
She's pretty
She's amazing
But she's kinda of a player
She broke my heart making promises to me that would never leave
When behind my back she was with another
I should have listen to my cousins that said
She's not the person you think
She's going to break your heart
She's a player
Your to good for her
Don't feel in love with her
I defended her against those my cousins word
I procted her with my life
I didn't let anyone talk things about her
I was there
Always for her
I should have listen to my cousins
They were right about her
I guess I have to blame my self for that
But I hope everything is ok with her
And that she finally understands that I was always there for her
And that I loved
I don't anymore because
I see what she does to other people
And I don't want to get in a relationship with her again
I will always be here for her

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