Love really does make you fell happy after all

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Usually I make sad stories but
I've never been so happy
I love my girlfriend
I didn't know I could ever love again but she makes me feel so loved
And everyday just want to be with her
I got to spend last week and this week with her
Cuddling, Hugging, kissing, and holding hands
I never thought I could love again
But with her I just found my soul mate
I miss her right now
She makes my heart pump
She makes my day
I love video calling her
And talk to her
Hold her in my arms
And saying to her" I love you"
She's definitely my heart and my life
A person I found true love
A person I want to be with every single second
A person i see in my dreams at night
And specially
She's the best girlfriend
I can't ask for more
She's just perfect
I've never been so happy in my life
She's my soul mate
And my internal love
And guess what
It makes a week since we've been together
I'm so so happy

You make my days so happy
And I love holding you in my arms
I'll see you tomorrow
2 more days until Saturday
I miss you
I love you so much
I'll hold you so tight tomorrow
Your mine
my heart
My life
And your always in my mind

Love you❤️

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