Am i starting to get interest in someone?

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I meet her long time ago
But I got to know her this week
She was having problems with her relationship
Her boyfriend ignored
And didn't talk to her
She was sad and I could see in her eyes
But never got the courage to talk to her about that because we were at a school camp and she was with friends
So after that camp
I got home and text her
I asked her how she was
She said okay
And usually when someone tells me their okay
Their have something that it's bordering them
And that's what I told her
And after I said that
She was told me that her boyfriend didn't really care about her
I didn't know what to say or how to make her feel happy again but I tried my best to make her day a little better
And now
We talk a lot
We're getting closer to each other
And she's a sweet person
Sometimes I wonder
Why would someone do this to her
She's amazing, pretty, and a nice person to talk with
I still don't feel anything more than friendship
But I guess I'm starting to get interested
I don't want to tell her now because she just broke up with her boyfriend
And if I told her right now
Maybe our friendship wouldn't grow more
Looks like the word love is coming back to me...
The best I can do now is wait more time and when I'll feel comfortable
I'll tell her

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