Chapter 2

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As soon as Violet reached her house, she sighed and slumped on her bed. Then, a thought struck her: a huge event was coming up, one that she had dreamt of her whole life and nothing could stop her now.
She slurped her soup- once again-
and forced it down her neck. As she did so, her sister, Fran, glared at her, her black lips pursed and her dark hair covering her tattoo. Violet hated her sister; she was a goth, she didn't mind that, but it was her attitude that she despised. She never said a word unless she was on one of her video games about death. Her mum left her when she was only three years old; her dad was certain that it was something about Violets eyes but he was still a little bit unsure. Her dad was normal, but he was very uncomfortable around his family; she was still to work out why. Still staring, Fran licked her lips; she did this every night and Violet knew exactly what it meant: she wanted her left overs. Usually, she would not give it to her, but the way she was staring, it gave her shivers and had to give it to her. Anyway, she wasn't really in he mood for it; she had other things on her mind. And that other thing is life changing and Violet wouldn't miss it for the world. Tomorrow was an important day; her dream was about to come a lot more real.

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