Chapter 4

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~ I am now aware that you cant copy any of the links i've left on here for outfits etc. so if you want to see them my story is also up on (my penname is Soph6796 on there too) where you can copy the links to see the outfits~

-Gracie’s POV-

After dinner all the children gathered into the lounge room to watch a movie. Cathy had said that all the kids can sleepover if the movie goes late so all the parents when home and we all settled down to watch the movie. Since all the little kids aka Ben, Mia and Ellen wanted to watch the sponge bob movie the big kids sent them upstairs to watch so it ended up being Charlie, Sara, Jez, Harry and I. We finally decided on the hangover, a classic, I never got sick of it and I knew every word. There was a long couch directly opposite the TV that we sat on, from left to right it was Sara, me, Jez, Harry then Charlie. 10 minutes after the movie started Jez realized that he forgot to make popcorn so he got up and went into the kitchen, as soon as he was gone Harry moved into Jez' spot next to me,

"Hey Gracie, did you miss me?" he said cheekily,

"Ew no," I replied with a fake look of disgust on my face,

"ouch that hurts" he said and dramatically lifted a hand to his chest,

"Oi you two love birds shutup!" Jez yelled from the kitchen, "I can hear you in here!"

Can you believe that? We’re not lovebirds, definitely not, I mean I could see myself being friends with Harry, he’s really nice and we have a lot of fun together but could I ever be in love with him? I don’t think so, from what I’ve heard he’s a player and just uses girls whenever he wants without having any feelings for them, I don’t want to be with him if he’s like that.

We Shutup from then on… well apart from reciting pretty much every line of the movie and then laughing hysterically afterwards. After about 15 minutes of reciting from me and Harry, Charlie retreated upstairs because, and I quote “You two are so fucking annoying just Shutup”… what a drama queen.

When Jez came back with the popcorn he decided to sit next to Sara so Harry and I were mucking around the whole night, which was pretty fun I do admit, we were laughing so loudly Mum came downstairs because she thought we were getting murdered or something.

I don’t even remember when I fell asleep, I think it was after Harry and I had a popcorn fight; I think Sara almost had a fit when we got some in her hair. I woke up the next morning on the couch with my head resting on Harry’s chest and his arms wrapped around me… SUPER AWKWARD. I squirmed out of his arms but accidently woke Harry up in the process, I was a bit embarrassed about the whole waking up in his arms thing so I kinda sat there and stared at him… probably not the nicest thing to wake up to; apparently I look like a chipmunk when I stare.

“Morning sunshine!” he said sleepily, god his morning voice his hot… I mean…what?

“Hi,” I smiled back, everyone else was still asleep so it was just us two,

Harry looked around the room then said “Hey wanna grab a coffee?”

“Hmm I don’t like coffee,” I said and wrinkled up my nose,

“Ha, me neither!” he exclaimed, “hot chocolate then?”

“With marshmallows?” I questioned,

“Of course! Let’s go!” he replied, “I know a great café not too far from here we can just walk,”

“Okay great, just let me get changed I’ll be 2 minutes,” I said and ran up the stairs.

(Gracie’s outfit -

“Okay I’m ready, let’s go!” I said running downstairs and grabbing my coat,

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