Chapter 5

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~If anyone actually reads this I'm so sorry that its literally taken me months to update, I had school and exams and what not but i'm on holidays now so I got a chance to finish this chapter! also I am now aware that you cant copy any of the links i've left on here for outfits etc. so if you want to see them my story is also up on (my penname is Soph6796 on there too) where you can copy the links to see the outfits :)~

- Gracie’s POV –

After we got up off the wet grass Harry invited us to his house for lunch so we walked across the driveway and up to his front porch. I had met Anne the day before and we had talked a little about Gemma and Harry but I didn't feel like I knew her well enough to hug her, obviously she thought differently and opened her arms wide when she saw me. Anne smiled and asked how I was, she really was one of the loveliest people I've ever met. I told her me and Jez couldn't stay long because we had to help out with the preparation for Christmas tomorrow. Was that tomorrow?! Wow time flies when you're having fun.

We walked into the lounge room when Anne went off to make us some snacks, I walked over to the Christmas tree, admiring it. It was much nicer than ours, it had beautiful silver baubles with blue tinsel, whereas our tree had different coloured tinsel going every which way and various baubles and Christmas kangaroos strewn all over, it was a mess but I thought it had character.

Jez and Sara sat down on the couch and started chatting while Harry walked up to me,

"do you like it?" he asked,

"yes it's very..." I searched for the right word, "perfect"

"yeah mum did it, she's kind of a perfectionist when it comes to decorating," he said with a smile,

I heard laughing coming from behind me so I turned around, Jez and Sara were looking very comfy sitting on the couch laughing away.

"do you think there's something going on there?" I asked Harry suspiciously,

"I'd say so, I know Jez has fancied her since we were 13 but never had the balls to ask her out." he said smirking.

I couldn't help but think about what Jez had told me, about how Harry had screwed around with heaps of girls, I just didn't think of Harry as being a player, but then again I had only known him for 24 hours, did I even know him at all?

The thought of that kind of shook me up a bit, sure I knew about him, we talked heaps but I don't think I can actually say I know Harry Styles at all.

Luckily Anne interrupted my train of thought by bringing in some afternoon tea; we had scones with jam and tea... Typical.

After we'd finished eating Jez, Sara and I decided to head back and help with the decorations.

"thanks so much for tea Anne" I said giving her a hug,

"yeah thanks Anne, and I'll cya later Haz" Jez said while hugging both Anne and Harry,

"bye Harry thanks for the hot chocolate this morning it was really fun" I said smiling,

"no problem Gracie, I'll see you soon" he replied, startling me with a hug,

I didn't really know what to do at first so I just stood there for a moment then I relaxed and started hugging him back. I wished the hug would last forever but... NO GRACIE STOP LET GO NOW.

“Okay well I’ll see you later, I’ll ask mum about giving you a lift back to London” I said as our hug so sadly ended,

“kay thanks,” he smiled and waved as I headed back to the house.

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