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Niall’s POV

“Hey Lucy?”

I say, hoping I had gotten the right number…

“Yeah.. umm whose this?”

Lucy says

“It’s Niall, I’m just ringing to tell you about the surprise we have got for Crystals birthday... Do you think you could help us? But whatever you do... do not tell anyone!”

I say, explaining to Lucy what me and the boys have put together…

“Okay... Explain to me… and geez what do you think of me… Just coz imma ginger! Carry on I’m listening.”

Crystals POV

“Lou… what are you doing?”

I ask as Lou stashes a bunch of paper away in the drawer, while making a mental note to creep in later on and find them.. To find out what exactly he was up to

“umm nothing crystal”

“sure Lou.. I really believe you oh hello there!”

I say as my amazing husband pulls me into a bear hug

“Seb wants to see you”

he says

“ok see you boys later”

I say walking towards my brothers room

“vas happening?”

I ask walking in the room

“we are going out for lunch”

he says as I smile


I ask as he laughs

“you’re not in trouble”

he says as I smile this should be fun.

I walk back through the door to the house and jump as everyone jumps out yelling surprise I smile as I see Lucy max and Alex all here only max had his arm around Alex I look at Lucy who tells me to follow I follow her into the kitchen

“your little idea worked only max and Alex started dating’’

she says as I recover from the shock


I say as she laughs

“we have a lot of catching up to do”

she says as we go back to the party.

 “I'm going to miss you though”

Lucy says as we arrive at the airport

“say hi to brad for me”

I say smiling as she goes to board the plane

“will do”

she says waving as I'm hugged from behind

“I will miss you to”

max says as I smile

“you make sure you treat Alex right or I won’t hesitate to hunt you down and hit you”

I say as Alex smiles

“yes oh mighty amazing mother that I love so much”

he says as I smile

“and don’t you forget it”

I say hitting him on the arm

“Skype us yeah?”

Alex asks as we hug

“will do”

I say smiling

“and make sure you give my little nieces and or nephews a big hug from aunty Lucy when they get here”

Lucy calls from the door

“I will text as soon as they get here”

I say smiling as my best friends take their seats and the plane takes off I turn to Niall and we hop in and head for home

“thank you”

I say hugging him as we get out


he asks as I smile

“for the party for having my friends over for everything”

I say as he smiles

“oh there are a lot of ways to thank me”

he says winking

“I will keep that in mind”

I say as Lou opens the door

“did I just hear you two right?”

he asks as I smile innocently


I say as Niall laughs

“we are already going to have two little kids running around we don’t need more”

he says as I burst out laughing I manage to get to my room and lie on the bed I was tired that was weird I had already had 15 hours of sleep in the last 24 hours…

  just a filler i think there are about another 4 chapters left :) oh and my friend wrote the first part :/ she stole the laptop so i dedicated it to her she finally got a wattpad!!!

Best friend's sister  (Niall Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now