Hooray For Us <3

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Hey Devil's Children!

I wasn't actually supposed to write a post today, so my publishers actually don't know that I am doing this... so let's keep this secret between us all. And because we now have this secret binding us all together, we get to have a little chat. ;)

A quick reminder to those of you who were the unfortunate ones to be abducted by Hades for reading this book, and have just escaped Hell, the book "The Beginnings of the Grim Reapers" is available for free on Amazon this week (until the 13th). http://bit.ly/HadesDaughterBonus

I loved hearing from those of you who have already read it, about what you thought of it!

And in case you were one of the first to be abducted, and you haven't signed up on my blog then make sure to do so right now! I am going to be announcing a bunch of free goodies on it soon! :D


Well, the book The Beginning of the Grim Reapers is going viral on Amazon! So cool! In other words, more people are joining The Devil's Children! I'll soon be able to take over the world with the amount of people who are in our group... ;)

And... you guys are just so cool. I know I've said "thank you" a lot (like bunches and bunches), but I mean it! YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME! Each and everyone of you. Even if you don't follow me on facebook, goodreads, my blog, or anywhere else! Your support means so much to me!

Speaking of social platforms. Go give a review of the bonus chapter on goodreads and add it to your library right now! And also follow me on Facebook and Goodreads! I would really appreciate it and it will also give you some protection against Hades' wrath... :D



Also go and support my book and spread the word by signing up to Thunderclap. You will get a free book after the launch date, once you fill out a form saying you have done so. :)



All the links in this update will be on the conversation tab on my profile.

Thank you for reading this ramble. Stay awesome and I will see you in the next update!

CC ;)

  P.S. Did you follow me on Amazon yet? I'd love it if you did! Why not eave a review on the bonus chapter while you are there?

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