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I banged my head on my door, just for good measure and walked into the living room. I grabbed Romans arm and dragged him into the hall.

"What is it?" He asked with his arms crossed. I didn't want to do this. I would much rather stay with Patton than anyone else, but thanks to Logic's stupid rule I'd have to stay with Prince.

I sighed,"Look, I locked myself out of my room and I left my emergency key on my nightstand. We both know the rule, so I'm going to bunk with you tonight, ok?" He blinked and nodded. He walked over to his room and silently opened the door for me. I nodded grateful.

When I walked into the room, you could tell it was Princey's. If the door wasn't a give away, this was.

His door was a dark oak with gems and jewels surrounding the perimeter and a small cartoon crown painted on it. Inside the room was a plush carpet with a small seating area, a dark oak dresser and nightstand, a gold fireplace, and a king size white satin bed with gold posts.

I blinked my shock and awe away by shrugging. I walked over to his bed and laid down. I knew he would make me sleep on the couch at night so why not sleep now during the day. I'm gonna have to keep Thomas up all night anyway...

"What are you doing?" He asked seeing me lay down. "I'm going to sleep so I don't bother you in the night." I explained. "Oh no you are not! I'm tired of you keeping Thomas up all night. You are going to stay awake all day with us, and then getting a good night sleep. Don't think I can't see those bags and dark circles under your eye shadow."

I sighed. He was right. "Fine." I agreed and got up again. His bed was uncomfortable anyway. He had goose feather pillows and bed. It's too flat. I need support in my life. Literally.

I laughed a little at my own joke and walked towards him. "Alright Princey, what do you morons do while I'm sleeping?" I smirked at his angry face. He rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. I'm going to have fun with this. revenge is sweet, but it's also best served cold, so basically revenge is ice cream and I love me some ice cream.

"well, we usually play a board game after listening to me play the piano." He told me. I nodded, remembering the song he played this morning. "So, what are we playing today?" I questioned. He glanced at me "well, since you are new to this, you should pick." I smirked a little thinking of all the "fun" Games to play. "Hangman." I decided. He rolled his eyes, "Hangman it is then." He then walked ahead of me and into the living to tell the others.

When Morality found out I was playing, He smiled brightly. "Really! Wow, I've always wanted to play with Anxiety! He's always gloomy." He exclaimed. I smiled just a little knowing that someone wanted me here. "I get why you brought him Roman. Frankly I wouldn't want him alone in my room either." I shot glare at Logan and scowled at him. what. An. Ass.

I took my seat next to them. At the game table we had separate seats that popped up when we entered. I've never come here so I've never seen my seat or the others.

Patton's was a light blue beanbag, Logan's was a navy blue office chair, Roman's was a red and gold thrown with gems on the back, and mine was a cushioned light grey rocking chair.

The others looked confused at the weird style of the chair, but I shrugged and sat down. At least now I could rock without looking like a total psycho.

We began the game, me going first since I was new. I picked the words 'logic is an ass' and laughed as I wrote in the blanks in the white board. "Are there any S's?" Asked morality. I suppressed a laugh and wrote in the letters.

This continued until the end sentence was revealed. The faces varied. I knew I was on the verge of breaking out laughing, morality looked confused, Logic glared at me, and Princey just rolled his eyes. "You have insulted me with this childishness, Virgil." My happy mood was broken at his serious tone.

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